What are the chances that I'm pregnant?

2014-01-27 9:10 pm
Hi, I'm 17 years old. I have irregular periods.
I had unprotected sex for about 5-10 seconds multiple times a month ago.
I took two pregnancy tests, and both were negative.
I took the first test two weeks after sex, and the second one week after the last.
But I haven't gotten my period in more than 3 months.
I don't seem to have any pregnancy symptoms besides mood swings (but could just be because I'm an emotional person). I didn't have spotting or whatsoever.

So, do you think I need to do one more HPT? Also, why doesn't my period come if I'm not pregnant?

回答 (4)

2014-01-27 9:21 pm
I would go and have a blood test to make sure you are not pregnant. Some times the HPT is not accurate.
also stress can cause a delay in your period. I would suggest you seeing a dr. to see what is going on. a man does not have to ejaculate for you to become pregnant either.any wetness the man projects could have enough for you to become pregnant.
2014-01-27 9:21 pm
Anytime you have unprotected sex its a 50/50 chance of being preg. But if you only had sex for 10 seconds highly doubt your preg lol
2014-01-27 9:15 pm
its highly unlikely your pregnant unless he ejaculated in you but. take one test each day for a week and if the are all negative your not preggers
2014-01-27 9:13 pm
If you are an active person in sports or running your period may not come sometimes that's how really good gymnasts work if they are getting their period they aren't working hard enough. And I would definitley go to a planned parenthood or a doctors office and get a for sure answer because you very well could be

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:57:05
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