Is God male, regardless of the name we assign to the primal deity?

2014-01-27 5:36 pm
Most religions were formed in paternalistic societies where men dominated the culture. It seems natural that God, therefore, would be imaged as male.

Yet, if there's maleness to God, wouldn't that suggest there was a female counterpart? If God was anatomically correct and man was made in God's image, then were did the template for woman come from?

If God is the pinnacle of life and light and intelligence and power, of what use is sexuality to such a being? I've had some say God is a spirit, not flesh and blood. IF SO, are spirits male or female as well as our corporeal Cadillac's we ride along Earth on with?

I suspect that God is a unified entity with no need for gender. Men and women represent two sides of God's spiritual mind, where they complement and facilitate each other through their differences.

I realize and affirm that I do not have the absolute answers here, and that others who respond likewise will answer with either opinions or inherited dogma. That's fine with me, as long as I learn something or find something amusing in the process.

Long and merry life,

Dr. D

So far, so good. There are interesting responders with strong intelligence that taught me a few things. There are passionate folk who hold to their theologic ramparts, and that's ok with me. There was very little by way of 'ding dongs' here, for which I'm grateful. Thanks to all who responded so far.

回答 (10)

2014-01-27 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Apparently not judging by the many female deities that have been worshiped throughout history in many varied cultures. I think if you actually explored a little further you'd see that many cultures viewed and still do view deity as both male and female since life from their common perspective always requires both male and female. In fact, many creation myths exist that involve sexual copulation between male and female deities to generate initial life unlike the Judaic myth where a male god brought a statue to life with an asexual song and dance routine.
2014-01-27 5:39 pm
God is male because, in Hebrew, there are no gender neutral nouns. Many languages are like this, for example in French books are female, buses are male. In Hebrew the noun deity was masculine, so when we translated it into English literally, we got masculine pronouns. If we had a singular gender-neutral personal pronoun we may have used it, but we don't.
參考: atheist.
2014-01-27 5:45 pm
You're trying to make sense out of religion, that was your first mistake.
2014-01-27 6:20 pm
Dr.David I think you have got the answer more or less.

God is neither male nor female. Its better to address the Person as a Super Intelligent Being who while being sexless/formless/OmegaEnergy can also take on any form as demonstrated on our planet in the form of millions of plants, animals, insects etc In fact there was a book written by somebody that if there is a God he/she would have the form of a bacteria/insect as that is the most abundant life fom. Anyway while theres nothing wrong with that, the aim of our life is in being able to connect/develop a hot line with this intelligent being. thats the whole purpose of prayer/inquiry etc.

Its actually understanding the grandest equation of all how YOU equate to that INTELLIGENT BEING/GOD. Like it took humanity 14 billion years to discover the E=mc^2 equation. Theres a far grander equation which has always been "operational" and that is equation between YOU and GOD Unlike any physcial principle its a spiritual principle so each person has to discover this equation and connection that eventually confers unlimited happiness/peace of mind/Moksha/ Nirvana whatever you want to call it.
We are exploring a spiritual dimension of this Universe, there is a interiority(spiritual) phyically invisible aspect but which can be comprehended vide the mind(Brain is the hardware). Its not a make believe world. Theres no blind belief required like in the Bible/Quran needed to understand this equation.

By the way your questioning states that you have a very open exploring mind, this is the key to unravel the equation believe me. The less the beliefs the better. The more the Zen like(empty) the mind the better.
And also believe me unlike the external physical world where science keeps over-riding laws or evolving laws over a period of time and there has never been an abolute framework of laws which by the way is a positive thing, in the world of spirituality you will end with Absolute answers. Answers which fulfill all the questions and criteria that you might pose, answers that answer in a satisfying sense and that leave no room for doubt or further improvement. Afterall we are talking about an inquiry into God(by definition a perfectly evolved Being and your True nature as being no different) so be prepared for miracles !! ;)
2014-01-27 6:26 pm
Well, he's got a massive ego.....
參考: atheist, research, "common" knowledge, non bias
2014-01-27 6:05 pm
God has no gender. He created creatures with genders, but He is the Creator so we can't go attributing aspects of creation to the Creator.
2014-01-27 5:50 pm
Hmmm it seems you understand not much about God... allow me to enlighten you
He has god position surely
2014-01-27 5:46 pm
He's male. The Bible says he is. I've heard His voice. It's male.
2014-01-27 5:44 pm
God is not male. Yahweh, a Jewish tribal deity commonly mistaken for God, is male, however...
2014-01-27 5:48 pm
God has both a vagina and a penis.

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