英文arise by 定係 arise from 或 out

2014-01-28 1:37 am
有關arise by 定係 arise from 或 out of

Oxford dictionary:
Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.

Can I change "arise from" to“arise by” or “arise out of”?

係唔係arise 一定要跟from, 不可跟by?

Since I read some grammar book, there is some verbs have related prepositions
to follow , like ask of, decide to, and others.

Could someone help me, thank you very much.

回答 (3)

2014-01-29 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

Idiomatically "arise" is used with "from" or "out of" and not "by".They have a few different meanings.
Literal meaninngs with sample sentences:
1. to get up from something. What time did you arise from bed? I arose out of my slumbers at dawn.
2. [for something] to drift upward from something. The smoke arose from the burning oil wells.
The smoke arose out of the exhaust pipe.
Figurative meanings with sample sentences:
3. to be due to something; to be caused by something. This whole problem arose from your stubbornness.
The labour problem arose out of mismanagement.
Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.

4. [for someone] to come from poor or unfortunate circumstances. She arose from poverty to attain great wealth.
She arose out of squalor through her own hard work.
2014-01-31 11:41 am
Idiomatically "arise" is used with "from" or "out of" and not "by" ~ 意I思A is right.

“用arise這詞並不是主動詞而是被動詞方式” ~另一回答者的 statement 似是而非, 易引起誤解

When an opportunity, problem, or new state of affairs arises, it begins to exist. This is the most common meaning of arise.

2014-01-31 03:45:03 補充:
“Arise” is an intransitive verb.
arise by someone, arisen by someone … grammatically wrong

New learners of English sometimes commit the cardinal sin of ignoring one of the basic grammar rules. ---- Intransitive verb doesn’t have a passive form.

2014-01-31 03:52:44 補充:
You can use a prepositional phrase after “arise”. In that case, you have "by", 'in".. after "arise"

Do morphogen gradients arise by diffusion?
I arise at 7.00 a.m.
He studied the topology of pathological spaces that arise in dynamical systems.
2014-01-29 12:27 am
一個phrase配用的preposition要按那詞/字的含意來配合的, 不是所有詞都百撘所有preposition的.


arise from和arise out of之後連下去的(填充)詞都是描述它由甚麼原始狀態冒起,


The civil revolt was arisen by the unwillingness of the government to listen to the lower class citizens.

The civil revolt arises from the lower class citizens after the government was unwilling to listen to them.

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