
2014-01-28 1:06 am
內容大概如下, 希望各位可以幫我翻譯

你好, 我是來自課程ABC的學生,我對於...有以下問題


回答 (6)

2014-01-28 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Lily 你真的有禮貌,好!

現在很多學生發問都是禮貌欠奉,而且有時 emails 也太 casual(隨便)。


Dear Professor, (如果知道姓氏最好加上)

I am XYZ, a student from the programme ABC, I would like to enquire about the following issues.

(1) xxx xxx xxx

(2) yyy yyy yyy

(3) zzz zzz zzz

The above are all my enquiries regarding the programme.
Hope that I do not bring much inconvenience to you.

I am sincerely looking forward to your reply and valuable comments.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Yours sincerely,


2014-01-27 18:12:34 補充:
如果你已經入讀了某課程 (programme),而希望進一步了解課程中的內容,如修課內容、參考資料、課程問題等等,你最好提及你是哪個課程的學生。

如果你是詢問個別學科 (course) 的資料,你則要清楚指出你是來自哪一個 course 的學生。



2014-01-28 5:24 pm
Dear Mr. Professor X;

Senior Psychology Dept
----Hello, How are you? I am a student from course ABC. I am currently studying in Psychology in---- for---- and am also dealing with other credit marks on related subjects for debate,regarding how to get official recognition and licensing as a subject of conversation.
----I have the following questions about xxx to which I hope would bring me to your proven ability answers to deal meaningfully with my studies, without causing you too much trouble. I am particularly interested in your reply and valuable comment.
----I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours respectfully,
Chris Wong.
2014-01-28 11:48 am
My Dear Professor,
Sir, how are you? It is my pleasure to be able to meet you. As I'm a student who studies ABC course and if you don't mind I has some questions to ask as being shown below:
Please reply to me if you do have spare time.
Yours Sincerely,
參考: Myself
2014-01-28 11:27 am
No offence.
回答者 001

第一句是 run-on sentence. ABC 後面不應用 comma.
Answer me in reply? “in reply” 是多餘, 還是你恐怕教授 reply 中, 沒有answer你問題,
個人意見 ~ 請教教授, 用 answer me 片語好似不適當
這信沒有 subscription, i.e. Yours respectfully, …etc , 好似自己是上級


2014-01-28 04:03:06 補充:
No offence.
回答者 003

regard is an uncountable noun.(no -s at the end)
in regard to

regards = best wishes (問候)

inconvenience ~ uncountable noun
inconveniences (countable noun in plural) is not used in this way.

2014-01-28 04:13:32 補充:
No offence.
回答者 004

"As I'm a student who studies ABC course .... shown below" ~ wrong
Verb pattern: mind doing something, mind someone doing something or mind that ...
You don't use "has" with first person singular
I has ~ wrong
2014-01-28 10:03 am
Dear Professor Chan, Hello, how are you doing? Iam a student of the ABC course. I havesome questions pertaining to … I hopeyou can help me to solve the problems I am encountering and will not cause youany inconveniences. The above are my questions in regards to the course. Looking forward to your early reply. Many thanks in advance. Yours Truly,XXX
2014-01-28 1:39 am
Dear Prof. X,

I'm a student of Course ABC, I've some questions about XXX in which I hope it is not too much trouble if you may answer me in reply.



Thank you and I appreciate your help.


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