F.2 maths measurement &errors

2014-01-27 12:43 am
A square garden has sides of 20m each, correct to 1 significant figure.

(a)Find the upper and lower limits of the actual length of its side.

(b)If a fence柵欄 is added along the boundary邊界 of the garden, find the upper and lower limits of the total actual length of the fence.

(c)Is is possible for thr total actual length of the fence to be 65m ?Explain briefly.

Please 加歩驟!!!

回答 (1)

2014-01-27 2:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
the maximum error = 10/2

the upper limit
= ( 20 + 5 )m
= 25m

the lower limit
= ( 20 - 5 )m

let the actual length of its side be X m
the actual length is
15m < X < 25 m
------ \
( X is bigger than or equal to 15m , smaller than 25m)

the upper limit of the fence
=25 x 4

the lower limit of the fence
=15 x 4


yes, it is possible because 65m is in between the upper limit and lower limit( between 60 and 100 ).
參考: 自己

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:57:04
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