Did Nevada ever permit 18-year-olds to drink and/or gamble?

2014-01-26 3:14 am
Or did the state not participate in this social experiment?

回答 (3)

2014-01-26 4:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2014-01-27 5:26 am
There is a lot of confusion on this. The age for BUYING booze has been 21 since before 1919 when Prohibition went into effect when no one could drink. Before that there was no stated age.

But drinking it is different. You can drink if you are in the presence of your parents and they give approval. However most places will not serve alcohol to minors even if the parents specifically give consent. There are some other situations in MOST states where a person under 21 can drink legally. Check the chart below and be prepared to be surprised.
2014-01-26 11:15 am
Yes in the 1400's

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