How do you get a budgie to stop laying eggs?

2014-01-25 1:48 am
She has mated and so far laid 11 eggs .is this normal? How do I stop it?

I want some to hatch

回答 (2)

2014-01-25 2:11 am
It is normal. It will soon stop, if not then you can try breaking the world record!
參考: I have a parakeet to
2014-01-25 4:22 am
That's like telling a woman in labor with triplets that she has to stop having the kids after the first triplet is born.

When the bird has finished laying her eggs, she has finished laying her eggs. Until then, if it bothers you to sit and watch and count to 11 or more, go to another room.

Since you want some to hatch, sing to them.
參考: Certified Paralegal

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 20:39:20
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