
2014-01-24 8:53 am
究竟點解MTR彩虹站嘅英文名係Choi Hung,唔係Rainbow呢??隔離鑽石山站就係Diamond Hill…唔好話你都唔知~我����咗幾條回答都話唔知先至發問嘅。。苦笑

回答 (10)

2014-01-24 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Choi Hung Station is named after Choi Hung Estate.

MTR simply follows the name used by the estate.

By the way - the name of Diamond Hill Station is based on an incorrect translation.

So the logic works actually in an opposite direction (Choi Hung is correct, but not Diamond Hill).
2014-01-29 10:57 pm
Choi Hung Station
I also don't know why , sorry i just know that that was called choi hung station ...
參考: me lo
2014-01-29 10:23 pm
MTR彩虹站嘅英文名係Choi Hung - correct

石山站就係Diamond Hill- correct

translation of place of MTR station is no fixed rule so we have to remember it like a person's name. When a girl is not very beautiful, her name is beauty,
2014-01-29 6:50 am
2014-01-25 7:10 am
彩虹邨為香港最早期興建的公共屋邨之一,由於香港屋宇建設委員會發展,由巴馬丹拿建築及工程師有限公司設計,然而彩虹邨憑其獨特設計而榮獲本港首個建築獎項---1965年香港建築師學會銀牌獎。所以應該是他們將彩虹邨改名為Choi Hung吧!(這是我推測,純粹只作參考)
2014-01-25 6:59 am
2014-01-24 6:40 pm
因為彩虹邨政府譯Choi Hung Estate 而彩虹站係取自彩虹邨
而鑽石山政府譯Diamond Hill 所以[龜]鐵都叫Diamond Hill

2014-01-24 10:41:33 補充:
咁點解彩虹邨(彩虹站得名)唔叫Rainbow Estate, 而係叫Choi Hung Estate呢?<---只有定名的人才知吧!
2014-01-24 5:03 pm
咁點解彩虹邨(彩虹站得名)唔叫Rainbow Estate, 而係叫Choi Hung Estate呢?
2014-01-24 3:41 pm
2014-01-24 12:50 pm
唔理好醜最緊要系就手, 出嚟無人反對.

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