
2014-01-24 8:50 pm
At sleepovers I would havepanic attacks trying tobreak it to girls that they didn't want to kiss me withoutouting myself.

Intersting analysis. Tks a lot. Let's see if there will more interpretations coming.


that they didn't want to kiss me, 是省掉 so 嗎? (so that?) 不然怎麼看得出來是這個意思? 根據上下文嗎?

回答 (5)

2014-01-25 12:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
At sleepovers I would have panic attacks trying to break it to girls that they didn't want to kiss me without outing myself.


break .... to..... sb:對.....說明,解說,讓瞭解.

outing myself:讓自己的身份曝露出來.


2014-01-25 20:12:43 補充:
參考: jim
2014-01-25 6:27 pm
At sleepovers I would have panic attacks trying to break it to girls that they didn't want to kiss me without outing myself.

break it to girls that they didn't want to kiss me = tell the girls that it was not a good idea to kiss me

2014-01-25 10:29:01 補充:
didn't want to kiss me 和 it was not a good idea to kiss me 一樣,都是客氣地說妳們最好別親我,我不讓妳們親我的意思。
2014-01-25 8:57 am

2014-01-25 00:59:32 補充:
oh! 你是說英文字幕的文法和中文翻譯不一樣?

2014-01-25 01:05:48 補充:
At sleepovers I would have panic attacks trying to break it to girls who didn't want to kiss me without outing myself.
他邊想邊講, 可能用英文字幕來分析句子會有問題.

2014-01-25 01:07:05 補充:
to break it to girls that they didn't want to kiss me without outing myself.
意思會變成 that they didn't want to kiss me 是她要告訴那些女孩的內容.

2014-01-25 05:01:59 補充:
haha, yes, Jim, that makes sense.

2014-01-25 08:30:46 補充:
Ben, 我有兩點補充:
1. break to 通常是告知不好的消息才會用 break
2. Jim的翻譯意思才是正確的, 中文字幕跟我一樣, 聽不出為什麼they didn't want to kiss me. 有時候我們看到別人在不知情的情況下, 做了一件蠢事, 會跟他說, trust me, you don't want to do it. 這裡是完全一樣的用法. 因為那些和他過夜的女孩認為歐伊·蒂利特·萊特是男生, 所以想要親他,

2014-01-25 08:32:26 補充:
而歐伊認為告訴這些女孩他其實是女兒身對那些女孩來是壞消息, 所以她用 break it to

2014-01-25 09:28:49 補充:
no no no... 影片中的中文字幕的翻譯不夠好, 沒有翻譯出 that they didn't want to kiss me真正的意思, 跟我一開始一樣只是找個合理的意思來解釋. Jim 的翻譯有表達出那一句真正的意思.
其實按照文法上來說, to break it to girls that they didn't want to kiss me 這裡的 that 子句是 break 的內容, 原因有二:

2014-01-25 09:30:16 補充:
1. 如果that 是當成關係代名詞, girls前面要加 the
2. 如果that 是當成關係代名詞, that 後面不可以接 they. 要寫成:
to break it to the girls that didn't want to kiss me.

2014-01-25 09:30:56 補充:
而中文字幕的翻譯顯然就是把that 當成關係代名詞來解釋了.

2014-01-25 09:35:32 補充:
我在意見006中說 that 子句 they didn't want to kiss me 很怪的原因是我沒意會出這句話的意思, 我把它當成是一個發生過的事件: 她們不想親我. 這樣整個意思就會很奇怪, 因為看不出要表達什麼.
如Jim解釋的, they didn't want to kiss me 應該解讀成: 他們不會想親我. 這樣就很合理了.

2014-01-25 09:42:03 補充:
"that they didn't want to kiss me, 是省掉 so 嗎? (so that?)

to break it to you that 事情... 
通常是以委婉的方式告知一件不好的消息, that 帶出那件事情. 類似
I have to tell you that I am not going with you this Sunday.
= I need to break it to you that I am not going with you this Sunday.
2014-01-25 5:23 am
I think it is good analysis. Quite persuasive and it makes sense.

2014-01-25 08:48:20 補充:
影片裡中文的翻譯 大概是說如何不暴露自己(這邊跟JIM的解釋一樣),告訴那些不想親我的女孩(這邊就不同了)

照文法來說 that they didn't want to kiss me 應該是影片中字幕的意思

2014-01-25 10:08:31 補充:
你說的break it to you that我也懂了

1. break it to the girls that they didn't want to kiss me (it指they didn't want to kiss me?) 跟女孩說他們不想親我?

2.break it to the girls that they didn't want to kiss me (it指他是女兒身)
跟女孩說他是女的 他們不想親我 (中間感覺就少了連結,如:所以、如此一來 這類的詞)
2014-01-25 5:06 am
Sorry, with the second thought, it's bad one. I shouldn't answer this only based on the sentence you provided, so I wipe them out.

2014-01-25 10:12:17 補充:
@Ben: http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/break (往下拉到第16點

2014-01-25 10:14:43 補充:
依Jim的理解,我會認為without outing myself可以等於in order to not out myself有表示目的的意思在,不過一般with或without應該只有because of/ due to「由於」意思而已,對吧?

2014-01-25 10:16:45 補充:

2014-01-25 23:10:22 補充:
我理解錯了,差一點誤人子弟, 腦子不清醒, 現在明白了。

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