first aid box in 家政課

2014-01-24 5:58 am
請問in first aid box , whick三大急救用品最常用?+why???

回答 (2)

2014-01-24 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
紗布.........要是傷口大了一點, 就要紗布包裹了
2014-01-24 6:26 pm
First Aid((急救法)==it is a kind of remedy(治療) for emergency and acts as temporary medical care and treatment of an injured person. The aim of first aid is to prevent death or further injury, to relieve pain, and to counteract shock(對抗休克) until medical aid can be obtained(直到獲得正式的醫治). The following medicines are required for such purposes:
(1) Injury(創傷或割傷): Alcohol, Hydrogen peroxide, absorbent cotton, cotton ball, sterile cotton pad, elastoplast, adhesive tape, sterile gauze, tent, Mercuro-chrome, tincture of Iodine, bandage, Fucidin ointment, etc.
(2) Pain(肌肉痛): Isopropyl rubbing alcohol 70 %, bandage, ointment, VoHaren emulgel,Turpentine oil;
(3) Shock(休克): Ammonia, Menthol, etc.
參考: Mainly according to ”Home Medical Dictionary” published by P.S.I. & Associates, Inc.,Miami, Florida 33186 (1991 Edition)

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