F.4 Phy mechanics

2014-01-23 6:06 am
A block of mass m is placed on an smooth inclined plane.The plane makes an
angle of 26.6 to the horizontal.If the horizontal force F required to keep the block
from sliding down is 0.5mg,what is the force N between
the block and the plane?

回答 (1)

2014-01-23 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案


Since F1 - F2 is not zero, the block should move. If the block does not move, this force must be balanced by a friction exactly of this size. This is the force between the block and the plane.


2014-01-22 23:40:34 補充:
我可能誤解了題目,[ A block of mass m is placed on an smooth inclined plane. ] 應該沒有 friction.

題目所問的可能是 normal force 的大小。

normal force = mgcosθ + 0.5mgsinθ

= mg(cosθ + 0.5sinθ)

=10.96m Newton

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:56:37
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