length of my penis
i am 14 years old now. My penis is 7 cm and after x it is 9 cm. Is it normal? Can u answer me in details??!! And how can i make my penis be longer (15cm)??! And when i go to swim, i see my classmates' penis is very long! I want my penis to be that!! Please help me!
1. The length of my penis is normal or not?! Why?!
2. What can i do to make my penis long for 15 cm? (i want the solution is easy and do it daily!)
3. Any adult photo(s) can let me see?!! my email is hoho070892@yahoo.com.hk!
回答 (8)
✔ 最佳答案
Skype : jason191231@yahoo.com.hk
1. 大部份人未勃起的長度大概係4-9cm, 勃起後由7-16cm.
你的長度在正常範圍內, 而且你未完全成年, 就算唔係呢個範圍亦毋須擔心.
2. 即使你成年勃起不足15cm亦不用擔心, 陰莖係性興奮時的硬度夠就可順利性交, 若將來成年後有性能力方面的問題時, 可找醫生或輔導專家幫助.
3. 每個人不同, 我建議你去圖書館參考性教育相關書籍.
參考: Nil
1. The length of my penis is normal or not?! Why?!
2. What can i do to make my penis long for 15 cm? (i want the solution is easy and do it daily!)
3. Any adult photo(s) can let me see?!! my email is hoho070892@yahoo.com.hk!
skype siupangyau@live.hk
1) 正常......你14咋嘛
2) 冇必要囉亦都冇得點做,發育自己會長,上網嗰啲方法唔多信得過......
3) chat in email la.....
1. it is so short! has to be rebuilt!
2.you can cut it off 1st and then boil it in soup
比相你睇 me 15 be fd=] yinyin764@yahoo.com.hk +me whatapp
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