
2014-01-22 6:19 am
和如果 TEST 個女仔是否喜歡我呢??

回答 (4)

2014-01-24 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你鐘意佢, 你可以試下單獨約佢去食下飯, 睇下佢會唔會出.
肯單獨出既, 多數都對你有D意思.
其實女仔好少會主動表態, 話晒都係女仔. (唔知宜家個D仲係唔係)
所以你係一定要做D野先可以知. 如果係鐘意人既咪同人講嚕.

如果你唔係鐘意佢既, 咁就唔需要去諗呢個問題.
因為無論佢鐘唔鐘意你都好, 你唔鐘意佢就無謂浪費時間去諗呢D問題.
2014-01-26 6:39 am
You can try to ask her phone number. If she don't give you you have 95% will
I hope i could help you to find a good girlfriend
you can also try to give some special things to her!!!
I am a girl!!!
hope I can help U><
參考: me
2014-01-23 2:41 am
2014-01-22 6:38 am
You can try to take her phone number,adress. If she don't give you you have 90% will fail

**** I hope i could help you to find a good girlfriend

*****you can try to give some special things to her e.g your hand-made things
參考: myself

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