mean is the best?

2014-01-22 3:15 am
Given themarks of 5 mathematics tests of a student are: 20, 20, 75, 80, 90. What is the bestrepresentation of this set of data?The model answer is mean, but I don't understand.Please explain. Thanks.

回答 (3)

2014-01-22 4:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實一般來說 mean is the best,只有一些極端的情況會選擇 median or mode。舉個例子:20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 2000,如用 mean = 350 來表示大部分的數據是不妥的,這情況會用 median 或 mode = 20。以你這個例子說明,我反而會選擇用 median = 75 來表達,原因有二,一則大部分數據都接近 75,二則容易計算。
參考: knowledge
2014-01-23 11:17 pm
There are 6 situations :
1. Take all data into consideration - Mean
2. Influenced by extreme values - Mean
3. Easy to compute - Median or Mode
4. Must be one of the datum - Mode
5. Uniqueness - Mean or Median
6. May not exist in some situations - Mode

2014-01-23 15:19:00 補充:
For this case, the best choice is Mean.
2014-01-22 3:23 am
呢d題目係無特定答案的,只要你 argue 到就得~

另一個人答你 median,如果解釋得好一樣得~
(不過一般黎講如果個 distribution 係 far from symmetric 的話,median可能會比較 representative,但我個人覺得呢個所謂 best representative 係唔應該有獨特答案的,除非題目講明要求,咩為之 best representative)

2014-01-22 12:22:05 補充:
50418129 就講得岩啦!


佢問都係可能心裏面覺得有d唔妥當,點解答案話用 mean 呢~咁。

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