
2014-01-22 6:26 am


1. I'll hit you again.

2. Wassup, partner in crime?

3. I hear it's ill.


回答 (7)

2014-01-22 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I'll hit you again. - 一般正常的翻譯是 "我會再揍你",但是英文俚語的 hit 也有性交的意思;如果上下文正確的話這有可能也代表會再次發生關係的意思。

2. Wassup, partner in crime? Wassup = What's up. Partner in crime 是 "同夥、同謀" 甚至是 "麻吉" 等比較俏皮的說法。

3. I hear it's ill. 這有兩種解釋。第一種就是形容動物等 (用 it) 生病了。但有時候 ill 也表示 "事態嚴重" 的意思;好比說 ill news (壞消息)。所以這裡也可能是說 "我聽說那件事還挺嚴重的"。
參考: 敝人淺見,僅供參考!
2015-05-29 1:40 pm
1. I'll hit you again. => I will call you again.

2. Wassup, partner in crime? => How are you my friend?

3. I hear it's ill. => I hear it's great.
2014-01-23 5:53 pm

You can say that again !

2014-01-22 10:33 am
臥貓藏瓜? Good one Prizzy!!! One time I put a huge watermelon in the basement where its cooler and forgot all about it. You don't want to hide any kind of melon ever again.
2014-01-22 7:32 am
It's ill = ill = it is disgusting = 好噁耶!


例如:吃到肥肉 或是看到父母親在親親時


2014-01-21 23:51:48 補充:

2014-01-22 02:18:31 補充:
大家都好強! 知識+真是臥貓藏瓜?

2014-01-22 03:15:10 補充:
What happened to the melon? Your cat ate it?
2014-01-22 6:52 am
大家都好強! 知識+真是臥虎藏龍
2014-01-22 6:47 am
I'll hit you again ==> I will call you

Wassup, partner in crime? ==> what's up, partner? ("in crime" just for joking)

I hear it's ill. ==> need more info to determine its meaning, but basically, it means "I hear bad words about it".

2014-01-22 10:18:24 補充:
Look like I had better not take a seat to match my number!

2014-01-22 10:31:17 補充:
Melon is still hiding in Master Jim's basement!

2014-01-22 14:20:54 補充:
Be honest with you, the best way to learn this kind of slang is to live in that society. It is like the slang used by Taiwanese: 機車, 踹共, 白目... If you don't live there, you probably don't know what they mean, even though you know all the characters.

2014-01-22 14:22:17 補充:
On the other hand, slang comes and goes, so even though you learn it now, you might not have chance to use it. After all, slang is only good for people who know what it means.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:35:42
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