一段英文文章求翻譯 謝謝

2014-01-21 6:21 pm
A ten-month investigation from November 1963 to September 1964 by the Warren Commission concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, and that Jack Ruby also acted alone when he killed Oswald before he could stand trial.

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2014-01-21 7:48 pm
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A ten-month investigation from November 1963 to September 1964 by the Warren Commission concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, and that Jack Ruby also acted alone when he killed Oswald before he could stand trial.

華倫委員會(Warren Commission)從1963年十一月到隔年的九月進行了為期十個月的調查,調查的結果指出甘迺迪是遭到李奧斯華(Lee Harvey Oswald)所暗殺,兇手獨自犯案,沒有共犯。調查也指出李奧斯華還沒來得及接受審判,就被傑克魯比(Jack Ruby)殺害,傑克也是獨自犯案,沒有共犯。
2014-01-21 7:22 pm
> 傑克紅寶石

gimme, gimme!
2014-01-21 6:47 pm

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