
2014-01-21 2:57 am
I don't want afraid.

I don't want to be afraid.


另外,I don't feel tired.又有無錯?


回答 (3)

2014-01-21 5:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I don't want to be afraid. →beV. + (adj)
2.I don't feel tired. → sensory verb + (adj) ; sensory verb + like (n)
2014-01-22 5:45 pm
sometimes we use different expressions rather than translating the kind of chinese in your mind into english directly.


you can use something like "I want to be brave" to have same meaning of I don't
want to be afraid (that seem to be odd).

afraid is adjective,

for the first sentence, it is wrong,

for the second sentence, it is a little bit strange, not recommend you to say something like that

please use others to replace your expressions

2014-01-22 10:03:09 補充:
I don't feel tired is ok , you can also say I am not tired, free from tiredness, etc.
參考: me, me
2014-01-21 10:01 pm
I am not afraid of something (dogs)correct sentence

I don't want afraid. = wrong

I don't want to be afraid. = wrong

Idon't feel tired = OK but not good English
I am not tired

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