
2014-01-20 6:48 pm
「d人湧埋黎」 英文可以點講?

回答 (4)

2014-01-21 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以用idiom "swarm in"講「湧埋黎」。
swarm in(to something) - to crowd into something or some place. e.g. People were swarming into the auditorium to hear the guitarist. They swarmed in and ran for the best seats.「d人湧埋黎」 英文可以講: People are swarming in.

2014-01-20 16:39:48 補充:
swarm - to move or gather in large numbers like a swarm, 作為動詞是蜂湧的意思。
"swarm in"是「蜂湧而至」(「湧埋黎」)的意思。
2014-01-21 8:05 am
d crowd Maili 參考資料︰http://translate.google.com自己
[hope I can help you(希望幫到你),其他回答者請勿抄襲,其他回答者請勿參考或「抄考」,發問者請勿移除問題,其他網友請勿檢舉本答案]
2014-01-20 8:54 pm
People came in flocks.
2014-01-20 7:13 pm
people are pouring in .

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