句子文法有没有錯? 請大家幫忙

2014-01-20 5:31 pm
Men aren’t socialised to share their feelings, especially negative ones.


我想問是不是任何verb(socialize)加ed, 就變成adjective?

這跟Men doesn’t socialize to share their feelings, especially negative ones. 是不是一樣解釋?


回答 (2)

2014-01-22 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
socialize 有三個解釋
1. (intran. verb) – to spend time with other people in a friendly way
交際, 應酬
因為 intransitive verb, 因此無 passive voice

2. (tran. verb) usually passive – to train someone to behave in a way that is acceptable in the society.
Girls are socialized into appropriate ‘feminine’ behaviour.
Recent immigrants to Hong Kong are not fully socialized.

3. (tran. verb) – to organize something according to the principle of socialism

Men aren’t socialised to share their feelings, especially negative ones.
因為 passive, 根據字面解
男人未適應社會生活去分享他們自己的感受, 尤其是負面的 ~ 怪怪地

你的意思多是 ~
Men doesn’t socialize to share their feelings, especially negative ones.
男人不應酬去分享他們自己的感受, 尤其是負面的
意思是說男人應酬不是去分享他們自己的感受 …


不是任何 verb 加 +ed, 就變 adjective
walk (verb) – walked (past tense/ p.p.) 不可能做 adjective
許多 verb , 加 + ed, 變成 past participle, 可做 adjective

socialized 可做 adjective
As a socialized man, we need true riches to satisfy our physical and spiritual desires.
Many Americans disapprove of the socialized medicine of Canada and Europe
socialized medicine = 由政府提供,靠稅收支付的公費醫療

It means that the young children exposed to stress could develop a fear of learning.

exposed 是 past participle, 不是 adjective.
exposed to stress 是 past participial phrase, functions as an adjective phrase, 形容 the young children.

稍簡短句子可代替以下有 relative clause 句子
It means that the young children who are exposed to stress could develop a fear of learning.
( be + past participle 在這句是 passive voice)

Students who are taught phonics by their teachers can sound out words.
只將 who are 刪除
Students taught phonics by their teachers can sound out words.
Phonics = 讀音法

Frustrated 做 adjective
I met a frustrated artist. (在 noun前)
Her attitude made her boyfriend frustrated. (在 noun後)

Peter is frustrated.
Frustrated 可以是 adj. 或 p.p.
Peter is frustrated (by Joe). ~ 是 past participle
If Peter is in a state of frustration, frustrated 是 adjective.
You need contextual clues to help you decide whether frustrated is a past participle or an adjective.

參考: Yahoo Dictionary; Longman English Dictionary
2014-01-20 10:17 pm
而是變為are(n't) past-participle的被動動動詞 - 男人(沒有)被社會/社群化了...
一個字成為adjective(無論是+ed還是本身)都要有它形容的東西 - 例如human/primate is social beings.
由於social這個詞已經是adjective,所以除非很特殊的社群關係性描述才會用socialized "thing"。
Men doesn’t socialize to share their feelings, especially negative ones.


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