Does Holding a baby influence them?

2014-01-19 10:57 pm
so my girlfriends uncle is staying over for two weeks and he just lets her cry stuff out. my girlfriend thinks that her holding the baby and playing with it will influence her even though we see him once a year if that and once he leaves the baby is gonna go back to crying stuff out and not getting much my question is, is it really gonna influence her or not

回答 (3)

2014-01-20 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your girlfriend won't be able to undo the damage her uncle is doing, but at least she is making sure that this baby's needs are met when she is around to meet them instead of participating in the neglect.

At the very least holding her will influence the baby NOW, make her feel better and more loved and more secure NOW. That's more than worth the effort.
2014-01-21 11:07 am
yes. a lack of touch impedes physical development, brain development, reduces intelligence, messes up social development and can lead to death. Babies need to be touched and held. This man should not be caring for a baby.
2014-01-20 7:50 am
Babies need to be held and not just to be fed and moved from one place to another. The influence it has is making them feel secure, and interacting with others.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 21:12:58
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