What does the lilith represent in the astrological world?

2014-01-19 9:54 am
I have a Taurus Lilith but what does that mean? What does the Lilith tell me about myself? What is your Lilith too, please state below.

I am an...
Aquarius Sun
Capricorn Moon
Cancer Rising

回答 (1)

2014-01-20 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your Lilith or black moon represents the 'darker you'. She is a female demon. For women it is has a different meaning than men. The meaning for men tells them what women they fear. But for women it basically describes the "evil" or darker side of your personality. From my understanding astrologers do not consider Lilith to be very important and there is no need to interpret this placement. But I think it's rather interesting.

I don't know much about Lilith.
參考: Aquarius Sun Cappy Moon Virgo Rising Cancer Lilith

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