
2014-01-19 9:12 pm


回答 (3)

2014-01-19 9:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A: When you are in a moving bus, you are travelling forward at the same speed with the bus. If you jump up, your speed with the bus doesn't change, it is such speed that prevents you from lagging behind the bus.

This is the principle of inertia (慣性), which forms Newton's First Law of motion.

Q: 若一隻小鳥在行駛中的飛機裏飛翔,它不會因自身速度不夠飛機的速度快,而使小鳥從而向後撞到飛機的後端?
A: The air inside the cabin of a flying plane is of the same speed with the plane If not, you would feel a very string wind blowing when you sit inside the flying plane). The air carries the bird forward together with the plane.

Q: 若不幸發生了墮lift,在升降機著地前一刻我跳起來,會否沒事,還是是不能跳?
A: When the cable of a lift is broken in an accident, the lift car will be under free fall. Under such situation, you will experience a state of weightlessness (失重狀態). You really cannot "jupm up".
2014-01-19 10:08 pm
你所問的東西是一些「慣性」(inertia) 的問題,當你跑的很快時,想立即停下來,「立即」,可以嗎?不能的。你有一個向前的慣性,需要時間去減速的,不能立即。

在 行駛中的巴士裏,你因為「慣性」,有了一個和巴士同一大小的向前速度,向上跳起來也只會在原地著地,是不會向前或向後的。

其他 2 個問題在骨子裡也差不了多少。當電梯向下跌的很快,你的「慣性」是向下跌的很快,你認為自己可以有幾大力向上跳呢?「認命啦!必死」。
2014-01-19 9:45 pm
若你與升降機一同下墮,你何來有着力點跳起? 當升降機墮地時,你亦一同粉身碎骨。

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