
2014-01-19 6:49 pm
各方好友,想請教大家, 因我在小額覆核輸了單官司,
但我在表格9, 見到超越審裁官的司法管轄範圍,

回答 (2)

2014-01-22 9:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

(1) 小額錢債法庭,勞資審裁署.......等等

(2) 各地域之裁判法院:例如:荃灣裁判法院(荃灣法庭)、屯門裁判法院(屯門法庭)
、九龍城裁判法院(九龍城法庭)等等 [最高判刑3年]

(3) 位於灣仔的 區域法院(地區法院) [判刑由3年至7年]

(4) 高等法院 [判刑7年或以上]

(5) 終審法院

所以如果某某在(2) 裁判法院上訴而又經批准上訴,
就會轉到較高一層次的法院審理,如此類推,當然去到(5)終審法院 就無得再上訴。再唔係就係立法會申請司法覆核。
2014-01-19 11:24 pm
Let me jump to the conclusion - you use the wrong form in most of the case.

The term "Outside the jurisdiction of the tribunal (審裁處的司法管轄權範圍)" means the magistrate judge's award or order is made beyond his/her authority by the law.

For example - You are sued for $45,000. However, upon the trial, the fact presented showing the amount in dispute should be $55,000. The magistrate judge orders you to pay $55,000 and court fees. In this case, you will have 2 reasons for Form 9:

a. The magistrate judge's award is more than the limit of the Small Claim Tribunal ($50,000);

b. The magistrate judge's award is more than what the plaintiff (the person suing you) asks for.

In that case, the Court of First Instance (of the High Court), if accepted you appeal, can order a new trial or a modification of the award.

You should use Form 9 if there is a clearly legal error. Otherwise, you should use:

Form 8C - for the appeal of judgment other than the law; or

Form 8D - for your failure to appear.

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