Attraction of electron

2014-01-18 8:34 pm
Take K 2,8,1 as example

there are three electron shells .The energy level of the outermost shell is the greatest.
1)what does ENERGY LEVEL mean?

2)The distance between the outermost shell electron and the nucleus is the longest,(the attraction force between nucleus and electron should be weak )
but why the energy level is the greatest?

3)If the energy level is the greatest, why the outermost shell electrons are easy to lose?

用中英文答 thx.

回答 (2)

2014-01-18 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)what does ENERGY LEVEL mean?

原子中的電子則相反,例如你例子中的 2,8,1。這些電子只可以有特定的能量值而且此等能量值是不連續的,這是重點,指出了原子世界不同於宏觀世界。此等特定能量值便是 ENERGY LEVEL。

2. why the energy level is the greatest?

理論上去解釋這些結構是用量子力學去做的。有很多數學運算,十分數字化。其間,電離了的電子 [ n = ∞ 的ENERGY LEVEL ] 能量為零 [ 一個位能potential energy]。在原子軌態上的電子,其 ENERGY LEVEL 為負值,所以能階 愈高,能量愈高,愈接近零。[從負數升向零]。

負值能量並非難以接受,位能(P.E.)[potential energy] = mgh。設地面為零,對應的 h 為零,P.E. = 0。
地下停車場的 h 為負數,P.E. 便是一個負值了。

3)If the energy level is the greatest, why the outermost shell electrons are easy to lose?

energy level 愈大即愈接近零,把其提升至零(電離,to lose)所需能量便愈小,所以愈容易(easy)。
2014-01-19 4:56 am

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