
2014-01-18 9:00 am
箍牙時透過鐵線及牙釘使牙齒移動至理想位置,但牙釘是黏在牙的齒冠部分,因此施力亦只在齒冠部分,而牙根仍遭牙骨固定在原位,如此是否會造成 turning moment instead of translational force,令牙齒傾斜而非移動?箍牙是否只是把齒冠排列整齊?

回答 (2)

2014-01-18 10:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
actuallt it depends on yr formation of ur teeth.usually this would not cause great translational force because it is just used for correcting some slanting positions or.uncomfortable positions in the teeth set.If you.persistently have the treatment,then the teeth wont slant too much.

2014-01-18 17:46:10 補充:
I think it wont fill up the space,because I personally think that the treatment will just ignore the removed teeth,even with this is the case,the root will keep in its original position,then in this case,sure it may slant!;)
參考: jope this can be a little.help!!!1
2014-01-18 10:09 pm
I quite agree with Eunice
but sometimes it wont!

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