
2014-01-18 4:02 am
我有四件工作要做。我由早上九點開始做lee 四件工作一直至十點,咁在十點零分零一秒可唔可以講"I have just finished my work."

回答 (3)

2014-01-18 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我由早上九點開始做lee 四件工作一直至十點,咁在十點零分零一秒可唔可以講"I have just finished my work."

2014-01-19 3:17 am
2014-01-19 12:02 am
It is correct.

Because the action you describe is 'finish', not 'doing' the work. And you've just finished the work for a little while, that's why Present Perfect is suitable here.

You don't need to care about how long you have been doing the work in this case. (Unless, 'finished' turned into 'started')
參考: me

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