Potty training for my puppy?

2014-01-16 2:30 pm
So i have been using litter box with short edge for my puppy (10 weeks old) to eliminate... The problems are that i can't put newspaper on top of it because the puppy will scratch and bite it... So without anything and with the help of house breaking spray, I managed to make her pee there on the litter box... Well i have to wash it with water after each pee... Is that ok? Will my dog remember if i make her pee there everyday even though that i'll clean it later? My dog won't poo on same spot of pee too... Should i put another litter box for poo? Thanks

回答 (3)

2014-01-16 2:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
And your 10 week old puppy isn't doing his biz. OUTSIDE because?

If you encourage your dog to empty indoors, she will ALWAYS empty indoors until you get down to properly house-training her. She's a DOG. Cats empty in litter trays, and miss on occasions too, but at least they cover it up afterwards.

Dogs don't do this - they empty outside, which unless you want this forever, you should have been doing from day one. Right now you are not going to achieve anything other than having to clean up messes inside, which isn't hygienic.

And you'll have a very confused puppy once you realise that you are on a hiding to nothing with what you are attempting to do. Further if you leave a puppy alone with pads, newspaper, she will think this is a toy and especially with pads, could actually choke on them.
2014-01-16 2:54 pm
I never had any luck paper training my puppy. They would tear up the paper, and just go on my carpet anyway.

If you want your dog to be box trained you should only try it if they are small (under 10 lbs) and won't get bigger than that. If your dog is going to be larger you should aim for house training by taking them outside frequently.

But assuming you want this dog to be litter trained. Best to keep a little pee in there for scent, and remember to praise him when he pees/poos in there. Also look into getting an actual puppy indoor yard, it has fake grass. Dogs like to do their business on grass (though carpet is a decent replacement).
2014-01-16 2:52 pm
I have a chiwawa...i know thats not how u spell it but i just spell it like that. when she was a pup it was very cold outdoors so i had a litter box that i would use and it worked perty well. the problem is yes they will want to poo in a different spot. and nooooo u cant wash away the pee. otherwise it will go elsewhere finding a new spot. at least leave a little so it will smell it and go there again later.. just watch ur pup when going so it cant tear up the papers. just put one big piece of paper in it and tape it there to hold it down better so it will be harder to rip away. and u must do crate training whether potty training indoors or outdoors for best training. the box is good starting with but it is best to train outdoors if possible. if u go from box to outdoors it make take 2 o 3 days for ur pup to understand. my chiwawa took a couple days to know. outdoors is much much easier and cleaner...which means safer for u and other household members. if its cold get it a little doggie sweater or something. hope this helps

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