Permutation and Combination Question?

2014-01-16 10:42 am
The number of ways of choosing 10 balls from infinite white, red, blue, green balls is ?
a) 70 b) 84 c)286 d) 86
The answer is c) 286 but I cannot understand how? Please help.

This is a valid question. It was given in the book "The Pearson Guide to Complete Mathematics For JEE/ISEET by Dinesh Khattar". It has been solved in the book.But the solution is too much complicated. It is written that Required ways = coefficient of x^10 in (1 x x^2............)^4 Then he has solved this and at last has written that required ways = 13C10 = 286 If you understood this then please help.


its (1 x x^2 ...........)^4 and not in multiplication


They are in addition.


I have the original book bro. All I just need is the explanation of the answer provided in the book or if you can provide any other easier answer then please help.

回答 (5)

2014-01-16 2:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
let me solve in a very simple way
transform the problem to putting 10 identical balls into 4 coloured boxes, then by the "stars and bars" formula (see link), we directly get the answer
# of ways = (10+4-1)C(4-1) = 13C3 (or 13C10) = 286 <------- qed
2014-01-16 6:52 pm
Number of ways to select 10 balls from n balls = nP10 = n!/(n-10)!
but you are given infinite number of balls.
how it is possible to choose
It cannot be infinite.
2014-01-17 3:34 am
Your book used a generating function.
x is a dummy variable, the x terms are just placeholders for the coefficients and the coefficients are the numbers you're interested in.
There are 2 free electronic books on generating functions (you can google them).
"Generatingfunctionology" by Wilf
"Analytic Combinatorics" by Flajolet

And if your textbook used a generating function for a solution, chances are it explains them in one of the chapters. Read that first, then if you're not satisfied, read some of Wilf (which is probably easier to read than Flajolet).

A generating function is just one way to solve the problem. These kinds of problems are known as multiset combinations. The formula is C(n+r-1, r) where n is the number of possible choices (in this case 4) and r is the number of items being selected (10). Wikipedia has a good combinatorial explanation of why the formula works (where it uses dots and bars) --
Personally I prefer that approach for this problem, though generating functions are also nice and can certainly come in handy.
2014-01-16 6:57 pm
It should be
4 * 4 * ... * 4 (ten 4s) = 4^10.

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