Psychology / English

2014-01-16 11:41 pm
Could you tell me the definition of moral strain?

Because when I do the following question, I am stuck....><

Thank you for your help...

Which of the following is an illustration of moral strain?
A) Tom often forgets his homework and always give his teacher a poor excuse because he does not care.
B)Jack goes out with his friends because he thinks he deserves a night out after working hard all week.
C) Sam helps an old man scross the road because he is partially sighted and cannot see the traffic lights changing.
D) Kim has been asked to do something he believes to be wrong but does not want to disobey his father.

The answer is D. But I don't understand why....
Your full explanation is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

回答 (2)

2014-01-17 7:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
- The answer is D. This is related to Social Psychology.

- In this case, we can define "strain" as mental stress or emotional tension.

- Moral strain arises when people become uncomfortable with their behavior,
because they feel that it is wrong and goes against their better values.

- Kim is experiencing the conflict between the legitmate power of
his father and his own conscience (value judgement).


2014-01-17 12:34 am
(D)explanation:-Obey his father to do something wrong eg:-steal money under the table from fruit vendor.
eg:-Try hit the Boss in the street on behalf of his father secretly !
(C)explanation:-Can manage the problem properly,positively by helping the old man across the street.
(B) explanation:-Jack releases his stress&strain after a hard week and relax with his friends alright.
(A) explanation:-Ha said he forgets take home the HW because he is playing basketball and no worry or anxiety or care produce whatsoever!

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