
2014-01-16 11:29 pm
我依家中六,打算dse完後去美國讀cc, 有d問題唔係好明, 麻煩各位幫我解答下..

1: 我諗住入加洲的cc, 目標轉入uc berkeley, 想問如果我major想係英文文學, gpa拿到4.0的機會大唔大? (我英語成績中上)

2. cc裡的英文系難唔難讀? 有冇人親身讀過/聽聞過?

3. 怎樣才可以在gpa中拿到4.0或以上?

4. 如果讀了兩年cc, gpa分未能夠駁入ucb, 我能選擇再重讀兩年cc嗎?


回答 (5)

2014-01-17 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
你有入UC Brekeley的目標很好,而且想入英文文學系,更力是大志(因為本地人也不會太選讀英文文學)

我很多年前在美國大學畢業,所以回答未必可以交代今天考入大學的細節,但是申於你唔係本地(中學)人,就算你在community college讀,一般要考TOEFL和SAT(有英文部份和數學部份)來評定你的入學資格,你要考入英文系就更加要在這兩項公開試要差不多滿分才會有機會。[這兩試在香港都有得考...市面有班亦有課本教人考,先讀了要考乜,早一年前考一次測試自己成績便有心理比對自己程度高低和找尋要處理的不足]

至於你話學校成績的GPA有4.0已經係滿分,重點不是分數,而是你讀的科目(CC的科目有些是跟上大學科目接軌的-有些是則未必是接軌的專門科)和你的課外參與跟你的升上大學的學科範圍的相關性。你可以先從UC Berkeley的科目手冊看看英文文學科四年(特別是1-2年)所要讀的科和3-4年的主修科的資料,CC基本是把1-2年的普及科讀了使一般人都可以接軌考升入u第三年,但你的情況就可能要留心可以讀多一兩科elective(揀修科)是跟文學或語文甚至是語言學的科目。

現在可以預告一點理念,到時interview時你或會覺得唔明他們為何問你不是學分或科目內容知識的東西:例如你去面試問你看過Shakspeare那劇目,(三藩市不像new york咁多傳統劇目,但可能偶有新派之作也不要放過),interview問你如何評價(What do you think)?[這是美國人常用的問法-考驗自由分析的能力];假如你在CC時參加了劇社演出,便是另一層面的加分[其實很多中學都已經演沙劇],interview可能會問你演出感受和對故事或文化的意義(而唔係問你修辭);如你在劇社可以編劇或執導,那就會視你是個能融入美國社群的人才。所以這個例子不是叫你抄,而係告訴你美國人唔係單單看分數的。


2014-01-24 4:57 pm
2013 UC Berkeley Freshmen admission data:
SAT score 2077
GPA average 3.90
International students 11.3% (not 4%)
You will compete with China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, India 尖子
You have to get accepted from the local university (in your case, HKU) before they consider your application.

2014-01-24 09:00:36 補充:
Transfer from community college:
~ almost given to California residents; a second chance for the local underprivileged.

英國文學不是兩三年便弄好,不是易讀, 並且在美國最好的 public university 讀.
如果你不是香港 band 1 學校英文科尖子, 真是要奮鬥加油
否則 你是 dream the impossible dream.
Gary is right, I couldn't agree more!
2014-01-18 10:35 pm
1: 我諗住入加洲的cc, 目標轉入uc berkeley, 想問如果我major想係英文文學, gpa拿到4.0的機會大唔大? (我英語成績中上)
Absolutely. frankly, to get 4.0 is really challenge. (u have to be a straight A student)
2. cc裡的英文系難唔難讀? 有冇人親身讀過/聽聞過?
take the assessment test first, and then u'll know ur eng level.
study eng major i believe is difficult; however, ppl dont study their major in cc, instead, they study gerneral eductions(like history, art etc) only a few sub u have to take for your major. check assist.org then u will know what i am saying
For me, i am a business major student. Therefore, i need to take business related subjects. (acct. calu)
3. 怎樣才可以在gpa中拿到4.0或以上?
study hard! thats the only way
4. 如果讀了兩年cc, gpa分未能夠駁入ucb, 我能選擇再重讀兩年cc嗎?
i think so~ if that really happens, you might wanna change another school
talk to ur counselor!!!
參考: hi there
2014-01-17 6:26 am
I wouldn't say it's impossible to achieve 4.0. There are other reasons to attend a community college, economical, for one. Besides, academic level in CC is usually lower.

It's not the end of the world if not able to enrol into UC Berkely. There are scores of good schools in US.
2014-01-17 1:34 am
1. None - 100% impossible.

As always, your English ability will be the main reason for a non-perfect GPA.

Your result in English does not matter. It is all about your English ability as a student.

2. It all depends on you.

3. Honor courses.

4. It is your option to continue. But you will never get into UC Berkeley regardless.

You have to understand that (and this is not my first time saying that) - UC Berkeley (and UCLA), as California public universities, must preserve education opportunities to California residents. Based on admission data, less than 4% of their students are international students. So your effective chance of admission is less than 4% even with a perfect GPA.

UC Berkeley (and UCLA) is simply not designed for you because of who you are.

2014-01-16 17:36:06 補充:
Jenkin - I recommend you to remove the answer.

There are major mistakes in your answer. As I know you have been here long enough, I don't want to attack your credibility.

2014-01-24 07:09:38 補充:
原本我都唔想出聲, 但是我被你講一講, 我真係要幫其他人指出是非黑白。

1. Jenkin 指出"假如UCB唔收你而你又唔想見識美國其他地方的話就讀UCSF或SFU..."

其實UCSF係一間醫科大學, 正常情況下本科生係唔會理會呢間大學。

2014-01-24 07:15:26 補充:
SFU 係加拿大的西門菲莎大學, 三藩市有另一間大學叫USF - 三藩市大學, 一間私立大學。我唔知Jenkin 係唔係想叫你去加拿大讀大學, 不過我好肯定Jenkin 唔知自己講甚麽。

2014-01-24 07:40:44 補充:
2. 呢個係UC Berkeley 的入學數據:


UC Berkeley 係一間公立大學, California Education Code Section 66202.5 已經指出加州大學是為加州居民已設立, 所以留學生入學機會已經被一般學生低。

近幾年加州大學出現財政危機, 所以加州大學近幾年收多少少留學生去幫補。

UC Berkeley 的歷史數據會話你知你有幾膚淺。

2014-01-24 07:53:54 補充:
我唔Mind 你點話我, 因為事實勝於雄辯, 最重要係我並無睇少你, 我話你入唔倒UC Berkeley係UC Berkeley本身問題, 唔係你。


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