
2014-01-16 12:43 pm

但我在閱讀Driver handbook的同時,看到要先取得SSN先可以學車


1.) 持F-1學生簽證,可否獲得SSN?
2.) 在美國學車的程序應該是怎樣的?
3.) 會否有一些中國人的教車師父?
4.) 考試費用及學車費用(大約是多少)?
5.) 在美國開銀行戶口,有否指定那一間銀行?
6.) 開戶口需要帶備甚麼文件?

回答 (2)

2014-01-16 1:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes and no.

Yes - you will be able to get one eventually.

No - Not at this moment.

In your case, what you need is a letter from SSA saying that SSA will not issue a SSN to you. And you are good to go.

2. Read that book > Submit application and take the written exam > Learning Permit issued > Find an instructor (or anyone who can teach you) > Learn how to drive > Schedule the driving exam > Driving Exam > License issued

3. Yes for most major cities.

4. Your license fee ($33) includes everything (3 chances for each exam).

Your learning depends on how long you need. And it is area-dependent.

5. No - at your own convenience.

6. DL/ID or Passport if you have not yet get your ID.

Friendly reminder - although it is duplicate, for convenience, even you are not yet ready to get the driver license, get the ID first.

As soon as you get the ID, ID is really what you need for almost eveything.
2014-01-17 3:13 am

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