中翻英 有請英文高手~XD

2014-01-17 3:32 am
因為喜歡你對角色的詮釋 我把你過去的作品 只要是我能找到的片子 全都觀看過了一遍 看著你的作品 總是令人雙眼為之一亮

在台灣 “藍色天堂”即將上映 我非常的期待

身為”瑪麗粉絲團”裡的一員 我將永遠的支持並且熱愛著你

附帶一提 關於你在”飢餓”系列作品中”雅各”一角的演技表現 令我瘋狂無法自拔

我知道之前宣傳電影時你到過中國天津 真可惜你沒到台灣來 真希望有朝一日


回答 (3)

2014-01-22 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because I like your interpretation of the characters,
I watched all your works, all of those I found.

While watching your works,
I thought that your works are always amazing and impressive.

In Taiwan, "Blue Heaven" is about to hit the theater,
and I really look forward to it.

As a member of "Mary Fans Club",
I will support and adore you forever.

By the way, your acting performing of the character "Jacob"
in the series of "Hungry" is irresistable and makes me crazy.

It's a pity that I myself couldn't go to France
to watch your performance in the theater .

I know that you have been to Tianjin, China
when you were promoting the movie.
It's too bad that you didn't come to Taiwan.
I truly hope that Taiwanese fans, including me, can see you in Taiwan some day.
2014-01-24 7:56 pm
Because I like your interpretation of roles I last as long as I can find you all watch the film again and watch your creations are always an eye for one of the brightest
In Taiwan, "blue heaven" upcoming I'm very looking forward to
Being a "Marie fan page" inside myself, I will always support and love you

Incidentally you are in "hunger" in series "Jacob" piece of acting is driving me crazy I can'tUnfortunately, I was unable to go to France to watch your show at the theatre
Propaganda films you've been in before I know it's too bad you're not in Tianjin, China Taiwan really hope that one dayWe the fans to be in Taiwan to see you
2014-01-20 11:49 am

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