What major for computer science I should take? Please help ASAP!?

2014-01-16 2:02 am
If I want to work for Google to build software programs or work in the security department to block hackers from getting in OR/AND work for the CIA/FBI hacking and etc.... My major is computer science and I have to choose a concentration between Scientific Computing and Information Technology... Scientific Computing is the hardest because of going up to 3 Calculus's and other math's, while IT goes to 2 Calculus's .. These are bachelors degrees by the way!!

Heres my school description of the concentration courses

Information Technology
A concentration in information technology selects electives related to business, accounting, management, and databases. This concentration is frequently chosen by students having strong business interests and a desire to enter the corporate or government workforce, or build their own businesses.

Scientific Computing
The scientific computing concentration selects electives related to advanced math, physics, and graphics. This concentration helps prepare students to work in demanding areas of applied computing in science and engineering-heavy fields, including petroleum, biomedical, and environmental management careers.

Thank you!

回答 (1)

2014-01-16 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your school doesn't allow you to just major without having to choose a concentration? If you must choose, I'd say scientific computing. The key for me is the "applied computing" part because it may give you knowledge of how to apply these computer science concepts to problems or situations in the field. I think this concentration is better for what you want to do because its more along the lines of what the high tech companies may look for. The IT concentration is also very much needed, but the career paths it branches out to aren't exactly the security stuff that you may want to do. Being very good with the computer science stuff can give you an opportunity to work in Google or other major tech companies. They focus more about what skills you can bring.
參考: a bunch of engineers that have a computer science degree

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:22:05
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