HR case

2014-01-16 4:57 am
Asa HR manager, your task today is to address two diversity-related cases. Youmust: a) identify the diversity issues in the case b) discuss possiblesolutions to the problem c) briefly describe your issues and solutions to theclass.

1. You are investigating a harassment complaint brought by oneof the female employees against a male co-worker. In an interview with thewoman, she described an incident where a male co-worker made what she felt wasan inappropriate comment to her. At lunch one day, attended by only the two ofthem, he remarked that he “found her very sexual”. She felt that the remark wascompletely out of line because he was married and became extremely upset. Shehas refused to have any further contact with him. She is very angry at hiscontinued attempts to talk with her. When you spoke with him, he explained thathe meant the remark as a compliment and has been trying to apologize.
2. Self-directed work teams have been establishedto work on a number of new projects. Jim, a member of one the new work teams,recently spoke with his supervisor about his team. His supervisor has come toyou for help. Jim says he is a “fundamentalist Christian” with strongreligious beliefs. He expresses concern about Kelly, one of the members of histeam. Kelly is openly gay. She keeps a small picture of her partner of tenyears at her workstation. Jim is having a hard time accepting the fact that hehas to work with Kelly. He has stated that she “flaunts her immoral lifestylefor all to see” (referring to the partner’s picture). He asks to be removedfrom the project immediately. Both Jim and Kelly have critical skill setsneeded for the project to succeed.

我想要 idea.... thx

回答 (2)

2014-01-20 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
- Cultural Diversity in the workplace

- Definition:
People come from different background are co-existing within a community.
The different cultural characteristics may appear in the form of race,
nationality, gender, age, enthnicity, religion, education, sexual orientation
and disability.

Case (1)
- Diversity of value systems :
Judgements are made from the influences of our upbringing, family,
work experience, education, religion, race, beliefs, circumstances
and cultural alignment.
Differences in cultural background also contribute to the way in which
employees deal with the ethical problems in the workplace.

- Diversity of perspectives between men and women :
People from different cultural background usually show different
understanding towards some unintentional key words. These
personal feelings could be positive or negative.

- In this case, the male co-worker "found her very sexual" could mean
very attractive or gorgeous as a compliment. Yet, the woman found
this comment as bad taste, insulting and a "harassment".

- Investigation: consider the context of the situation, i.e. the time and place
where the incidence took place. It occurred while two people were having
lunch, engaging in informal conversation. There was no third party acting
as a witness for corroboration.

- It might not be a case of "harassment", it could be a case of
"mis-understanding". The man "has been trying to apologize".
Therefore, an informal apology would be sufficient (in the real world).

Case (2)
- Diversity of religion :
Conflict arises when one person who is so religiously devoted, would
deliberately impose his own beliefs on other workers. Jim is a
"fundamentalist Christian". He feels uncomfortable working with a lesbian
and asks to stay way from the team.
He is putting his self interest ahead of the project common goal
(the company's profit).

2014-01-20 03:15:31 補充:
Case (2)
- Diversity of value systems:
Jim clearly shows his disapproval of his co-worker Kelly's sexual orientation.
People value different things in different ways.
Kelly values her relationship with her partner while Jim regards this as
"immoral lifestyle".

2014-01-20 03:22:59 補充:
- Prejudice/ethical differences:
Jim has strong religious beliefs. He will only accept the principles, vision and
values that he learns from his own religious practice.
He considers other patterns of behavior not in line with his own customs
are unacceptable (pre-judging others).

2014-01-20 03:26:17 補充:
- Lack of mutual respect in the team:
Personality conflict usually occur when people are upholding "individuality"
and undermine the big picture, i.e. the progress of team work which
contributes to the company's profit.

2014-01-20 03:31:18 補充:
- It is not a wise decision to remove either Jim or Kelly from the team because
both of the workers have critical skill sets needed for the project to succeed.

- Informal luncheon meetings for the whole team once in a while will help
to break the ice.

2014-01-20 03:35:57 補充:
- People will become more open-minded and less self-centered when they
get to know each other's background and upbringings.

- Offer to the employees to enrol in a "Diversity Training Session" (workshop).

- The supervisor can help to create a culture of teamwork.

2014-01-20 03:41:26 補充:
- Let the whole team realize the importance of trust, cooperation and

- Let the employees feel their creative ideas, adventurous input, work
experience from different backgrounds are valued.

2014-01-20 03:47:24 補充:
- Other possible solutions (from actual working experience):
- Formal:
Compile and distribute the Employee Handbook which sets out the policies
and practices of an organization, including formal and informal standards
that guide the conduct of employees.

2014-01-20 03:52:16 補充:
- Human Resources Department: provides safe channels for reporting
workplace malpractice.

- Bonus plan, incentive plan.

- Social events such as occasional luncheon meetings, Christmas Dinner,
Annual Ball.

2014-01-20 03:55:24 補充:
- Employees birthday: break time gatherings to share a birthday cake among

- Provides opportunities for social contacts, personal communication and
2014-01-25 9:45 am



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