
2014-01-15 9:54 pm
我宜家讀緊中學,做緊一份關於英文tense 既功課,有d問題想問下。

修題目係咁,Tommy 在早上十點開始清潔二十間房,在題目內有幅圖,幅圖顯示
Tommy 正在清潔房,幅圖個度並且寫左Tommy 已經清潔了四間房,題目叫我寫上一句子描述該幅圖,我打算寫"Tommy has been cleaning rooms.",大家覺得有無問題。

回答 (2)

2014-01-16 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你要講佢由過去開始直到現在仍進,而又肯定佢將來都會繼續進行,你可以用present perfect tense
eg Tommy 2pm開始clean,佢老母叫佢clean到六點,你喺4點見到佢cleaning,你可用present perfect tense
Tommy has been cleaning rooms

但如果佢由過去開始到現在仍進行,但不知道佢將來仲會5會進行,就要用preset perfect tense
eg Tommy 2pm 開始 clean, 你3點見到佢cleaning, 但你5g佢會5會繼續, 你可用present perfect tense
Tommy has cleaned rooms

如題,如果我冇估錯,你應該5會知道佢將來會5會進行,所以你用present perfect tense會好D
參考: own
2014-01-25 7:23 pm
Tommy has been cleaning rooms.
According to the picture or poster that Tommy had cleaned four rooms so far and left another sixteen to complete. In view of that, you can describe or write
Timmy has continued to clean the rooms.
參考: Myself

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