The moving EU Circus. Is this not the dafters idea ever ?

2014-01-14 11:38 am
Figures revealed for the first time show the shocking waste, as the European Parliament moves from HQ in Brussels to Strasbourg for FOUR days a month.. EVERY MONTH.
The average cost in doing so is estimated to have cost over 7 years some £928 million.
£2.5 in moving freelance interpreters
£330.000 in providing medical back up
£41 million in building costs, such as maintenance, heating and security.
About 2.500 boxes transported between the two Parliaments
£200.000 each month to charter trains between the two Cities
£1 million dished out for food and drink in Strasbourg.
£250.000 annual cost of 5 lorries taking documents between the two establishments.
£41 million a year for Security of Strasbourg HQ

Even MEP have expressed that this craziness has to stop.

Its a symbol of waste and stupidity and is an example what is wrong with the EU.

The objector to one Parliament in Brussels, are the French, who have a veto on the matter.

You thoughts please.

CLIVE... some 80 % of MEP want the system changed so there is just one seat of governance. However France holds the veto and its in their national interest having the Parliament for ONE week a month because they claim its good for their economy.No surprise there, when all the over paid visit for just four days.

回答 (3)

2014-01-14 12:42 pm
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Hi OG you have added another nail in the coffin to the arguments of those who are pro EU. Britain must be out of this circus. The fact is we pay them 14 billion a year to take even more of our rights away now that is a waste of the British tax payers money. With that money we could help reduce the deficit or plough it into the NHS where cash is really needed. Why any Briton defends our membership of the EU when it behaves like this totally eludes me to me being in the EU is like a cage. Euroscepticism is for freedom for liberty this country must be set free from shackles that is our EU membership. When Britain leaves other countries may follow resulting in the gradual death of the EU thank god. Tear the whole bloody thing down bring back nation states and democracy to Europe. I'm 30 OG i've never been given the chance to decide whethet we stay in or out of Europe. I just want to trade with them i HATE what we've been signed up for.
Some on the left and i do not include Myrtel in this would favour uncontrolled immigration because apparently it's "racist" to have sensible decent controls that prevent the far right from having an axe to grind and benefit the economy. And prevent corporations from hiring cheap labour and give the unemployed Briton a chance. And to those who use the word racist to describe people who want sensible controls on immigration devalue the meaning of the word. and is an insult to those who've been on the receiving end of genuine racism.
Take Care OG
2014-01-14 8:12 pm
This is a scandal and has no value in accountability to the people who pay - US !!!!!
I am sick and tired of all this abuse and corruption by those in power. If we dont have a revolution tis year we are all shafted to hell.
All the best OG Kronia Pola.
2014-01-15 12:58 am
It's been doing that for years, and the clue is in the fact that the European Parliament has a building in Strasbourg because the French wanted it there. So despite the fact that it's daft, the rest of the EU caved in to France. Now it's there, they have to keep using it. Ditto why so much EU business takes place in Luxembourg - it makes Luxembourg feel important.

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