請問T.S Eliot 的一句話中文翻譯

2014-01-15 7:01 am

"For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice."


不要網路找的喔! 我也去找過了但都覺得不夠好><
謝謝 :)

我一直在想, "next year's words await another voice" 有種"未來某件事或成就等著我們去實踐"的感覺

回答 (5)

2014-01-15 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案




2014-01-15 07:57:04 補充:
Interesting. I always feel excited discussing things like this online with you guys. Glad to have you here.

2014-01-15 12:12:27 補充:

我覺得你問的這兩句的前面兩三句,大概就是在講說不管好與壞,過去的都已經過去,每件事都有其存在的目的,過去與未來都非我們能力所能及的範圍,我的理解有點像是教我們釋懷,放下,活在當下。所以我個人不認為有你所說的 未來有某件事等我們去成就。

For last year's words belong to last year's language
這句 我剛剛又想到 往事一去不復返,往事只可追憶 這類漂亮的句子

2014-01-15 12:13:04 補充:

2014-01-15 18:17:34 補充:
我對And to make an end is to make a beginning這句話的「解讀」跟死亡必非是終點,而是起點的概念比較相近。
參考: 自己
2014-01-15 7:49 pm
I am really surprised! I did not expect to get so many extraordinary answers here
I am also so excited to have the opportunity to discuss with you

2014-01-15 11:54:56 補充:
DaSaGwa, yeah in my original translation (which i kind of dare not to share after seeing your response hahaha) i translated "last year" to "去年" and "next year" to "來年". But I realize that perhaps 去年來年 may be too narrow?

2014-01-15 12:19:48 補充:
now my version is still not so perfect(pls dont laugh at me)


However, I still cannot quite see the connection between the two sentences haha
Also I keep thinking "make an end is to make a beginning" as 舊的不去新的不來
2014-01-15 1:17 pm
I don't know T.S. Eliot, but since you've mentioned that he was a poet. Maybe he said the words to encourage himeself to write better poems in the next year. "And to make an end is to make a beginning." means to stop living in the past glory in order to make a new beginning.

2014-01-15 14:13:29 補充:
make an end is to make a beginning
我的解讀就像數線一樣, 一個線段的起點也是另一個線段的終點, 當你要開始一個新的線段就必須將原本存在的射線劃上一個終點.
2014-01-15 7:54 am
Ben's really good. I'd just offer a bit of modification on Ben's gem.

2014-01-15 7:24 am
過去的已經過去了, 未來的仍然需要努力.

2014-01-14 23:32:04 補充:
There is another sentence AFTER the portion you have stated:

And to make an end is to make a beginning.

I think, words, language, and voice means things and efforts.

2014-01-15 02:24:53 補充:
In my opinion, because the missing part of the quote, "And to make an end is to make a beginning." It used "make", it implies "effort". It doesn't use "have". Hence, I wouldn't use "靜待" or "靜靜守候".

2014-01-15 02:26:46 補充:
After all, "靜待" or "靜靜守候" doesn't correspond to the use of "make".

In a word, the quote does have its implied action, so one shall include this action in the translation.

2014-01-15 02:37:02 補充:
Of course, this is just my own take for this statement. Like Ben has pointed out, this kind of statement has lots of space for imagination. My saying is simply my own understanding.

2014-01-15 02:40:46 補充:
T.S. Eliot was a famous poet, so maybe, he was just doing a little complaining (發牢騷) to express his feeling at that time.

2014-01-15 07:25:06 補充:
Ha! Ha! That might be another way to look at it.

2014-01-15 10:03:24 補充:
Very interesting, among the answer and opinions, NO one use "今年", "去年", "字" , "语文" … in their translation. Are we all drunk or what?

2014-01-15 10:08:35 補充:
I went to try google translation, it actually is not bad. At least, it did translation its literal meaning.

2014-01-15 13:30:16 補充:
Your translating "即將展翅" seems to be a little overkilled. If you want to get into that thought, I think, master rjamesho is better. Of course, poet's thought can be wild.

2014-01-15 13:34:29 補充:
make an end is to make a beginning = 努力完成了一個, 另一個新的又重新開始.

2014-01-15 13:36:09 補充:
所以整句話 可譯為:

過去的已經過去了, 未來的仍然需要努力. 努力完成了一個, 另一個新的又重新開始.

2014-01-15 13:37:24 補充:
I am NOT good with Chinese translation, my translation is just to give you an idea what it MIGHT mean.

2014-01-15 14:40:21 補充:
Master Ben! Your link is one of the versions, here is another version:


I use the above version, because it has "And to make an end is to make a beginning."

2014-01-15 14:41:01 補充:
It means, the same sentence used in different context can have different meaning!

2014-01-15 14:42:47 補充:
I have no doubt about your take of the meaning! After all, we are NOT talking about the SAME context that the questioned sentence belongs to.

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