What to do about bad puppy behaviors?

2014-01-13 3:43 pm
My puppy (10 weeks old) looks docile and cute on crate... I always told her to sit before open the crate which she always did... But once out, she looks often on frapping mode... She wouldn't listen to no command and quite hard to listen me again. She like to bite her toy aggressively, looks like fighting practice for me which are bite and slam to the floor. Every time she know that i have snacks then she will give great attention to me. Someday i went to a room with snacks inside, she acted docile right away even though that i didn't took any. It's make me sad. I have been doing random rewards strategy. I often put the snack hidden on my pocket. Sometime i would only just gave her praise but when she knew it she almost always looks like want to bite me. It looks like my dog can't be praised at all... What to do? I have been doing a lot thing to show her that i'am the boss... I show her that i eat first, control foods, often use time out if she doesn't listen me... She can do sit and lay down command right now... On progress on stay command.. Maybe i'm trying too hard for baby? Should i let her loose a little and be playful for several weeks? Maybe until she 4 old months? Or should i keep try to discipline her right now? What to do?

I remember the first time i took her home to new environment... She didn't cry (7 weeks and 5 days old)... I begin to think the dog has very high dominance...


Second day on my home, i began to teach her slowly and praised her... But she always looks want to bite me when being praised... What kind of puppy doesn't like to be praised? It's hard


So doesn't like praise , act completely different inside and outside crate also normal? I got annoyed that she only like my snacks even though she still puppy...


When i gave her treat for a command and praise it's good... But if praise only, her body language looks like tell me "what the hell no treats"

回答 (4)

2014-01-13 4:03 pm
This is all normal keep working for months and months.
2014-01-13 3:58 pm
She sounds like a normal, playful puppy. Dogs are predators and play with toys by pretending to kill them, thats normal. Dogs are also like babies, they explore the world and play using their mouths. She just needs to learn not to mouth you.
One way is to get her to hold a toy and fuss her. Or just use verbal praise if fussing her gets her excited and wanting a game.
She's only 10 weeks old and it sounds like your expectations of what she can do at that age are quite high, so maybe just relax a bit :)
2014-01-13 4:31 pm
Sounds normal to me :)
Puppies have short attention spans :)
So long as nothing is terrible or abnormal, eg, anxiousness, aggression etc, then just enjoy the puppy years (but keeping up with training and socialisation of course ;)

Treats and praise are often what puppies love, but some dogs prefer rewards in toys or play time. Have a special toy that you keep with you that she absolutely loves. When she does something you like, bring the toy out for a short play session :)
Maybe the treats aren't of high enough value, or maybe you're feeding her too much? Try cooked chicken pieces, dried liver etc.
When you give a pup treats, you take it out if the main meal. Or use the biscuits from the main meals as the treats, if you know what I mean. If she's overweight cut back on the food a little.

Also work on keeping her calm outside of the crate. Reward her whenever she is calm. It's easy to ignore a pup when they are calm, but instead give her a treat then. Keep bowls around the house full of her treats, so you can do it anytime without it being on your person ;)
2014-01-13 3:55 pm
Put a leash on her bfore she leaves the crate. Be patient, she is still quite young. Go to puppy obedience classes, it will help you to learn how to manager her

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