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The first thing I noticed when we were in the bush were the flies.
first (adj) - 第一
notice (v) - 注意
bush (n) - 樹叢
fly (n) - 蒼蠅
由於 flies 是複數 (plural),因此要選擇 were,不用 was。
2014-01-13 17:05:33 補充:
首先,我要向 Joshua 和 Godfrey 說一聲不好意思,我再細想過,也看過 Godfrey 的參考資料,我認為我自己是答錯了的。 Godfrey 應該是正確的。
應該用 was 。
The first thing I noticed when we were in the bush WAS the flies.
即,The first thing WAS the flies.
如果用 were,則句子應寫成
The flies WERE the first thing I noticed when we were in the bush.
2014-01-13 17:07:54 補充:
至於原因方面,其實 Godfrey 已經說得得很仔細。
用 was 或 were 要根據主項 subject 來決定,不是 subject complement。
People were sad.
The pig was fat.
There was a dog.
There were flies.
2014-01-13 17:11:04 補充:
但有時候, subject 和 complement 於單複數上有矛盾之處,那時候就要小心,正如 Joshua 的問題。
The first thing I noticed 是subject,是單數,所以用 was.
The first thing I noticed WAS the flies.
如果 The flies 是subject,是複數,才用 were.
The flies WERE the first thing I noticed.
2014-01-13 17:15:12 補充:
其實要感謝 Godfrey 的指正和分享,因為我當初都是很快地看見 flies 而作出用 were 的決定,沒有再細看整句的文法,不好意思。
至於 Joshua,你說我是正確的,會否是老師或課本也犯了和我相同的錯誤?
Godfrey,不好意思,我覺得 Joshua 不應該這麼決絕地說你是錯的。其實我也認同你是對的,更何況你提供了充份的理據去解釋當中的文法。
2014-01-13 19:27:54 補充:
These sentences are definitely better.
I guess what Joshua faced is a question asking him to make a choice of either was or were in the sentence.
2014-01-14 11:17:08 補充:
Thanks Godfrey again for providing more references to all of us.
You are truly responsible and helpful.
Hope that Joshua and other readers here can learn what we have discussed.
2014-01-23 15:25:00 補充:
Dear Joshua,
Godfrey told me that you have made contact after clearing the details.
I am very happy to see everyone is so responsible.
Sorry to confuse you at the beginning by committing a common mistake.
2014-01-23 15:25:16 補充:
And I am very delightful to know that you eventually know the correct answer.
Keep up the good work and good attitude.
Wish you every success in your further learning.