問問Tense 的問題

2014-01-12 6:26 pm
I visited ABC Store in ABC City from 9:00am to 11:00am today.


我今天早上九點至十一點visit ABC City 既ABC Store ,我在十一點零分一秒無visit ABC Store ,問下大家我可唔可以在十一點零分一秒講"I have visited ABC Store in ABC City."。

回答 (3)

2014-01-12 7:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I visited ABC Store in ABC City from 9:00am to 11:00am today.
- 好像有些問題, 過去式跟 today 一起用, 有些怪.

I have visited ABC Store in ABC City
- 可以的, 沒問題.
2014-01-13 12:00 am
這裏的"visit"解作"to go and spend time in a place or with someone, especially for pleasure or interest",當中包含了"go"的意思,所以一般只會在提及一個時間時使用"visit"。
(1) I visited ABC Store in ABC City at 9:00a.m. today. (說出到達的時間)
(2) I visited ABC Store in ABC City today. (說出能包含整個行程的進行時間的日子/月份/年份)

I visited ABC Store in ABC City at 9:00a.m. today and stayed there until 11:00a.m.

在11:01a.m.,你可以說"I have just visited ABC Store in ABC City.",用了"just"一字,才能表達事情是剛剛完成的。否則,一起首就跟人說"I have visited ABC Store in ABC City.",人家只會解成你曾幾何時有去過那地方。

不過,無論有沒有"just"一字,以上兩句用了現在完成式的句子,都是為了將過去所發生的事跟現在的情況串聯起來,而使用這種時式。可以想像,說完這兩句之後,接着的內容是說所以你有ABC Store的某件貨品在身上、或所以你知道ABC Store怎麼去……
參考: lushmeadow.joinbbs.net
2014-01-12 10:12 pm
1. There is a problem. If you use simple past tense, you can't use the time(from A to B). If you need to use `from', you can change the sentence to:

I had visited ABC Store in ABC City from 9:00am to 11:00am today.

I use past perfect tense. Past perfect tense is the tense that shows the events which happened in the past, but the end time of those events was also in the past, so if you want to get a correct sentence, you can change to my sentence.

2. If you are visiting ABC store at 11:00am, you can write `I have visited ABC Store in ABC City' at 11:00:01am. It's because you visited ABC Store in the past, but you are not visiting ABC Store now. Present perfect tense is the tense that shows the events which in the past, but now you finish, so you can use this sentence.

I hope I can help you!

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