mole 可以縮寫成 mol 嗎? 為什麼?

2014-01-12 11:39 am
mole 可以縮寫成 mol 嗎? 為什麼?

Avogadro's Number has been very carefully measured in a number of ways over many decades. The symbol for mole is "mol." Why does a four-letter word have a three-letter symbol? That's really the wrong question.

Mole Conversions
Why is 'mol" an Abbreviation for 'mole'

I did not write this. I don't know who did. I got it off the USENET newsgroup sci.chem a few years back.

The first people to use the the word that sounds like "mole" were Germans. They abbreviated "Molekuel" in such a way as to retain the long o sound in their language,


and "Mol" did the trick very nicely. They couldn't possibly have used the spelling "Mole" because the Germans have nothing to do with


Back in those turn-of-the-century days we English speaking people were still metaphorically swinging from in the chemical trees babbling "combining weight" when this laconic Teutonic triumph occurred.


The first translator had a hard choice to make: to retain the form or the sound of the new term.


He knew that most Brits and Amis would frown at anything that wasn't some sort of alcohol ending in "ol." He probably surmised that the British might use a long "o' like the Germans,


but he also reasoned that the Americans would balk and blurt out a sound like "moll" with all its unscientific connotations and invitations to double entendre.


Finally, he considered the fact that the Americans were the sort of people who mispronounce and misspell good German words like "Wolfram" so badly that they come out "tungsten."


and, with, a stroke, he wrote "mole," thus preserving a semblance of the sound if not the form of the original utterance.



回答 (3)

2014-01-12 10:46 pm
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mole 縮寫為 mol

前言: 這篇文章和我所知道的原因不同
在化學中, 使用 m 為縮寫的數不勝數
為了將 moles 不與其他 m 搞混而選擇使用 mol.
而且 Avogadro 是義大利人和德國人無關....

早期第一批使用發音最為接近 "mole"的是德國人
他們將""Molekuel" 縮寫為 mol 因為發音很接近而且能使獨特的長音 O 維持不變
德國人不可能使用"mole" 因為他們看這個完全無關
第一個翻譯家遇到了瓶頸, 是該新單詞的拼法還是發音
他認為英國人和阿米什人會對任何和 "Alchohol" (酒) 尾音相同的字產生反感
也許他們會和德國人一樣選擇使用 長音 O
可是他也發現美國人會不經意的發出和 "moll" 想同的發音
所以最後他決定寫 mole 來解決問題

德文的 Molekuel 是分子
但是 mole 指的是莫爾數 6.02X10^23
2014-01-14 10:03 am
mol 是英文 moles 的符號(symbol),而不是簡寫(abbreviation)。若果是簡寫,就要面對可以加上逗點(例如 Mister 的簡寫是 Mr. 或 Mr)和眾數(plural number)加 "s" 的問題。最重要的是:簡寫是某種語文的簡寫,符號是國際通用的符號。

不同語言對同一物理量(physical quantity)有不同叫法,例如英文叫 moles,中文叫摩爾或莫耳。為了解決這問題,科學界對同一物理量設立了相同的符號,符號是超越各國語言界限的科學語言。因此,只要各國採用同一符號便可以了,切勿用某國的語言(如德文)去評價某一符號的好壞。

2014-01-14 02:06:05 補充:
我所說的是科學上用的符號,但用在普通人(layman)手上可能是另一回事。例如千克(公斤)的科學符號是 kg,但普通人卻寫成 KG 或甚至簡寫化的 KGS 或 kgs。
2014-01-12 8:42 pm

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