英文雜誌 針對聽力 20點

2014-01-13 4:21 am
小弟讀寫部分可以應付中高級的測驗了~ (大概85%以上沒問題)

但是聽力真的好爛 (大概在初級到中級 還不到中級QQ)


空英 ? 常春藤?

喔對~~ 是針對聽力而已喔! 就是主要在訓練聽力而已~~

最好的話 也提供我一些意見吧 > <

to : BEN 大家說英語好像太簡單~ 謝謝~~ TO : BETH 我昨天訂空英了! TO : DaSaGwa ohoh I probably know what you mean ~ I will try not to translate to Chinese ! And some people tell me that I should listen to many times to understand every words before I listen to next paragraph. Is it a good suggestion?

回答 (7)

2014-01-13 5:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
" Listen" is to pay attention to somebody that you can get some grades/marks.
You cannot listen something when doing something else.(as the respond said)
Be really listening.
Listen what somebody says in radio to you so that you follow their advice.
None of this failure would have happened if you would listen to BBC.You listen to a reasonable pass 85% ,Okay ?
Try hard to listen to a conversation from BBC.
Can you listen out?
Listen to a radio broadcast.
Listen in on their 2 people's conversation.
Have a listen
and then repeat the 2.
Listening to the radio programme;
Listen with attention Or sympathy.(=understand and care,to express sympathy)
If you see the "Study Methods Inter. Learning Center", then you only learn Listening.
You don't learn Listen=Speak;
Hence learn "repeat the 2 "
Try get information that give you an advantage in Exam.TW from "listening post!"Because you listen to reason when you listen to Space-Air English=IVE grammar in English 85%.Why don't you do that?
Keep up with your good work;Add Oil .
2014-01-15 10:07 pm

參考: 自身經驗
2014-01-14 10:45 am
2014-01-13 9:50 pm
Listening comprehension needs time, as long as you don't give up when you cannot break through or when you feel bored, you will eventually get it. One thing I like to bring to your attention:

2014-01-13 13:52:39 補充:
While listening, try NOT to translate what you listen as much as possible. You eventually will NOT need to translation. Hence, the more you rely on translation to understand, the longer time you will need to improve. After all, Chinese is an obstacle between you and English.

2014-01-13 13:55:06 補充:
Once you can clear Chinese between you and English, you will be home free (that is the day you can declare you CAN listen and understand spoken English.

2014-01-13 13:57:53 補充:
That is to say, one day you find that you NO LONGER need to translate, but understand spoken English as is (like you listen to Chinese), it means you have finally learned the trick.

2014-01-13 22:28:05 補充:
I should listen to many times to understand every words before I listen to next paragraph. Is it a good suggestion?

Yes, definitely! The reason is you want your ears to get used to the spoken English, so you practice to make sure your ears and brain can make connection.
2014-01-13 6:01 am
我也推薦空英 真的不錯!! 跟樓上一樣 每天聽的 !!
2014-01-13 5:11 am
空英不錯, 我每天聽的

2014-01-14 19:24:33 補充:
Good. 如果你家裡有裝中華電信MOD, 現在也有空中英語教室隨選(免費的), 一星期內的都有. 這樣就不用固定時間等在收音機前面了. 而且有畫面的幫助比只聽radio效果更好.

2014-01-15 05:32:24 補充:
"And some people tell me that I should listen to many times to understand every words before I listen to next paragraph. Is it a good suggestion?" If you have time , or if you can tape it into mp3 to your mobile devices to listen to the same paragraph many times, it is always helpful.

2014-01-15 05:42:47 補充:
You don't really need to understand every word the teachers said, but try to. If you can't, that is alright. Just listen on!
2014-01-13 4:57 am

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