Motorola T8 對講機可傳至 10km???

2014-01-12 6:05 am
請教各位高手,它的功率只是合法的 0.5w,是如何可達致10km傳訊?

回答 (2)

2014-01-14 4:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
部部機都係咁講架啦!10 , 15, 20,甚至 40 千米都有。呢個只係理論上既有效距離。但實際使用時,兩部機可能有隔牆,有其他電波扞擾,令傳訊距離大打折扣。講真,無論個盒印幾多有效距離,一般情況下,市區內有500米已經算好好了。
2014-01-12 11:10 am
Read the specification again.

It says, "Up to 10km range (subject to terrain and conditions)"

So it is foreseen that it is impossible in Hong Kong.

Even it says it is possible, it only happens in an area that has no obstruction and interference.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 20:31:42
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