naked seed from sexual repro.?

2014-01-12 5:47 am
想問naked seed 係由sexual reproduction/ asexual reproduction 所生?

回答 (3)

2014-01-17 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
naked seed is also produced by sexual reproduction that they involved male and female gametes. naked seed are not enclosed in fruits but we can found them in cones. this kind of seed usually found in conifers in Gymnospermae, there are plants like firs, pines,cypresses produce naked seed.
參考: me
2014-01-12 3:47 pm
Is naked seed from sexual reproduction?
Yes, the plant's seed produced by the self or crossed pollination between f pollen and ovum and it is said to be from sexual reproduction. It contains the fertilized ovum which will be develop and then reproduce its kind, a plant.
參考: Myself

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