Do I need to get my W-2 form from Kroger? Only worked there a few weeks..?

2014-01-11 5:13 am
So would I get into legal trouble if I don't file my tax return for the time I worked at Kroger? When I worked there I made it so that the money I owed in federal and state income taxes would be taken directly out of my paychecks, so I don't (or shouldn't) owe any federal or state taxes. The only thing I would be filing them for would be for the tax returns, from which I would only be getting about $20.

I only worked there for about 2 weeks. I had another job and was going to school full time and I couldn't do all 3, so I don't really care about the $20..

回答 (13)

2014-01-11 5:27 am
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I don't know why you don't wish to include this W-2 in your tax return. It won't get you in trouble immediately, but the IRS will eventually realize you didn't report it on your return and may bill for any tax due. I would include it in my return as it will make little difference. You will probably receive the W2 soon or you may have to call so they can mail it to you.
2014-01-11 5:37 am
You can't make it so that exactly the amount of money you owed in federal and state income taxes would be taken directly out of your paychecks. They can't even know how much you owed. Either they took out more than you owed, or they didn't take out enough, so you do owe. They can't take out exactly the right amount, except by coincidence.

If you file, then you must file for all your jobs that paid you anything at any time during the year. You are not allowed to do it for one job and not another, if they were during the same year.

If you made a small enough amount during the year, then you might not have to file anything. But if you made enough at your other jobs to have to file, then you have to file everything, including Kroger.
2014-01-11 5:19 am
The problem is that if you had other jobs, the IRS will link them all as income and you will come up short, which could trigger an audit. In short, yes you need to get the W-2 even though you only worked there a few weeks.
2014-01-11 8:19 am
If you are filing a return for the other job you had, yes you need to wait for the Kroger W-2 and include it in your filing.
2014-01-11 6:01 am
If all of your income puts you over the filing requirement, then you need to show ALL of your income.

You cannot guarantee that the amount withheld will be enough to cover the difference in tax.
2017-01-14 3:29 am
Kroger W2 Forms
2016-03-15 1:52 am
Quit. They sound really shady. Sounds like they don't do everything legally and you will get screwed over in the end. I worked for an employer who did some similar things and he got audited.
2015-08-10 2:18 pm
This Site Might Help You.

Do I need to get my W-2 form from Kroger? Only worked there a few weeks..?
So would I get into legal trouble if I don't file my tax return for the time I worked at Kroger? When I worked there I made it so that the money I owed in federal and state income taxes would be taken directly out of my paychecks, so I don't (or shouldn't) owe any federal or state...
參考: 2 form kroger worked weeks:
2014-01-11 7:58 pm will need ALL of your W-2's BEFORE you file your income tax refund paperwork.
2014-01-11 7:00 pm
If that is the only place you worked and you don't want to get a refund, no need to file. If you are filing, you MUST file ALL income.

So if you file for the other job, you MUST also file the Kroeger. Just having them withhold doesn't mean they withheld enough.
2014-01-11 6:01 pm
if you worked there in 2013 and expect a W-2, by all means you include it
2014-01-11 5:21 pm
They will send you a W2 and the IRS will match up all your reported income. You must include it.
2014-01-11 4:55 pm
Failing to get it and correctly filling out your 2013 1040 income tax return during the 2014 tax filing season MIGHT also cause some delay in getting your refund when you do NOT use the W-2 form from Kroger like you would be required to do at this time in your life.
Hope that you find the above enclosed information useful. 01/11/2014

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