do you beleive "lorde" will follow in the footsteps of classy musicians like Enya,Sade, or bjork?

2014-01-09 1:57 am
or do you think the fame and attention is gonna turn her into something else. me, I really don't see it happening and I think she's already molded her image-in a good way, but that's just me, but I have been known to be wrong

回答 (8)

2014-01-09 2:01 am
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I think she is handling everything very well, and i LOVE HER MUSIC. And im a 17 year old guy -.- lmao.

I really hope she goes far, her music and style is very unique and she has skyrocketed this year. I dont believe she will get changed by fame. I hope not
2014-01-09 2:56 am
She's had one hit song. Maybe she might be New Zealand's answer to Taylor Swift (both started writing songs for record companies in their early teens).
2014-01-09 2:06 am
I REALLY HOPE SO!! she does have a bit more maturing to do I'd say lyric wise but I mean all her music is deep but I feel like she will soon have a lot more to say
2014-01-09 4:51 pm
2014-01-09 2:23 am
she's a scorpio lmao

the sign that is the deepest & darkest ;D lol
2014-01-09 2:00 am
I doubt it. She has amazing potential, but is trying to be too mature too soon. She also needs to expand her horizons on topics for songs, because right now everything I've listened to either makes no sense or is just her complaining about society. I hope one day she will, but it's going to take some more maturing and time.
2014-01-10 11:16 am
Yes if she just stay in New Zealand for the whole time, and adding more creative styles in it.
2014-01-09 3:09 am
I prefer Kimbra as a singer/songwriter who is also from New Zealand. I think Kimbra is a better musician and writer and is similar to Bjork but with greater talent and voice.
However, Lorde has still a lot of growing up to do so maybe she will improve, lyrically and musically. Time will tell us.
參考: voice coach

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