Why is my girlfriend ignoring me?

2014-01-09 1:55 am
Okay, I'll try to keep this short, but I can't say that it's possible.

I met my girlfriend online about 2 months ago. For the first month we were very honest and accepting of each others feelings, but lately it hasn't been such. 10 days before Christmas she loses her phone. We were without contact for about 10 days. I had no way of contacting her until I remembered she had a twitter. So naturally I message her and we start chatting again.

After about 4 days of on and off chatting she suddenly blocks me. I have no idea why. Now I know you're not supposed to do this, and I admit I wasn't thinking straight, but I send her multiple lengthy messages asking "What happened?" and such. Now again I know this was a bad idea. After a day or so she unblocks me and tell me to calm down. I basically told her I know I over reacted quite a bit, but I was scared she was dumping me. We get things straightened out again.

The VERY next day she sends a tweet saying, (excuse my language) "honestly ******* stop". I direct message her asking what was wrong.. and she didn't reply.

Now here is the main point of the question. She hasn't talked to me since. It's been at least a week, and still no reply. I direct messaged her on twitter on the 6th, 7th and today saying "Are you okay?" or "Do you want to talk?" or "I miss you." Every consecutive message I send gets deleted by the time I check back on twitter. What I mean is she is deliberately deleting the messages I send her, either that or twitter screwing up, but 3 days in a row of messages being deleted is hard to make it believe twitter is "screwing up."

I need help. Has she dumped me? Does she need space? Am I just prolonging this process by messaging her? What should I do?


回答 (2)

2014-01-09 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
she is not interested ---- why is it a "bad" idea to be concerned for someone you care for??? dont listen to all the conventional wisdom regarding relationships ---- all that does is show you are not interested ----- so do what you feel like and if the other person does care they will respond in a positive manner ---- this lady is so not interested in you ---- you cant be dumped there was no relationship to begin with --- move on accept she is not interested and find someone else how is a lot more honest

dont subscribe to these childish notions like space or a break ---- all they mean is they are not interested
2014-01-09 2:03 am
She dumped you. So move on and don't message her again. sorry dude but it happens.

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