phrasal verbs 急急急

2014-01-08 10:55 pm
set off give up get away disappoint with turn into
find out get into run off look for make up

Eric was a naughty boy. He didn’t like school. He hated staying in the classroom all day and he always wanted to (1)_________________ .
One day, Eric was putting glue on his classmate’s chair during recess when his class teacher, Miss Cheung, saw him. She asked Eric what he was doing. Eric (2) _________________ a story and told Miss Cheung that he was looking for his lost pen. Miss Cheung soon (3) ________________ Eric was lying. ‘If you keep lying, you will (4) ___________________ more trouble,’ said Miss Cheung. ‘I wish I could (5) __________________ a bee and fly away, ‘Eric thought.
Suddenly, he found himself flying in the air. ‘You are a bee now,’ said another bee to him. ‘Let me show you around my bee school.’ Eric agreed and they (6) ___________________ immediately.
After the visit, the other bees said to Eric, ‘I know you’re naughty, Eric. I didn’t do well at bee school either. But I worked hard and I never (7) _____________________ . Now I’m top of the class.’ Just then, Miss Cheung woke Harry up. ‘Miss Cheung, I’ve decided I want to be a good pupil,’

回答 (3)

2014-01-08 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
set off(出發) give up(放棄) get away(逃離) disappoint with(使失望)
turn into(變成) find out(查出) get into(進入) run off(逃跑)
look for(尋找) make up(編作)

Eric was a naughty boy. He didn’t like school. He hated staying in the classroom all day and he always wanted to (1) get away.
One day, Eric was putting glue on his classmate’s chair during recess when his class teacher, Miss Cheung, saw him. She asked Eric what he was doing. Eric (2) made up a story and told Miss Cheung that he was looking for his lost pen. Miss Cheung soon (3) found out Eric was lying. ‘If you keep lying, you will (4) get into more trouble,’ said Miss Cheung. ‘I wish I could (5) turn into a bee and fly away, ‘Eric thought.
Suddenly, he found himself flying in the air. ‘You are a bee now,’ said another bee to him. ‘Let me show you around my bee school.’ Eric agreed and they (6) set off immediately.
After the visit, the other bees said to Eric, ‘I know you’re naughty, Eric. I didn’t do well at bee school either. But I worked hard and I never (7) gave up. Now I’m top of the class.’ Just then, Miss Cheung woke Harry up. ‘Miss Cheung, I’ve decided I want to be a good pupil,’
2014-01-09 12:44 am
TOMING88 might have copied all the correct answers of 批卷貓. Unfortunately the last part "(8)Harry=run off ; look for ---->(Eric) ?" is definitely a no no.
2014-01-08 11:23 pm
If you don't know Phrasal Verbs ,try look up "Phrasal Verbs " Dictionary by Collins Cobuild.Hurry for Phrasal Verbs answers:-
(1)get away
(2)made up
(3)found out
(4)get into
(5)turn into
(6)set off
(7)gave up
(8)Harry=run off ; look for ---->(Eric) ?

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