S3 phy Q!! 急!

2014-01-08 6:19 am
A faulty thermometer with uniform scale reads 10。C and 90。C when it is placed in melthing ice and steam over boiling water respectively. What should be the true temperature if the thermometer reads 40。C?
A. 27.5。CB. 32。CC. 37.5。CD. 40。C


Q2. Flowing water is heated by a heating coil. Water enters at a temperature of 15 degree Celsius and leaves at a temperature of 40 degree Celsius. The rate of flow is 2 litres per minute. Estimate the power of the heating coil.


Q2. Flowing.....coil. (Density of water = 1 kg per litre, specific heat capacity of water = 4200 JKg^(-1) degree Celsius^(-1) ) A. 3.0 kW B.3.5 kW C. 4.5 kW D. 210.0 kW


Q3. If the same amount of energy is given to two pieves of copper X and Y of masses 3 kg and 5 kg respectively, find the ratio of the temperature rise of X to that of Y. **EXPLAIN** thx

回答 (3)

2014-01-08 6:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Assume that the thermometer reading grows linearly with temperature.


2014-01-07 23:24:31 補充:


因為由 0°C 到 100°C 的增幅不是一個比例上升,你我皆知有 absolute zero 的存在。在於數據分類的角度看,degree Celsius 更經常被用作為 interval type data 的常用例子,即非 ratio type data。(可見 level of measurement 的資料)

所以我作答時故意特地說明清楚 assume increase linearly.

2014-01-07 23:28:09 補充:
我的意思是,由 0°C升到20°C,並不是「由 0°C升到10°C」的兩倍,因為我覺得溫度計中的液體澎脹是根據 -273°C = 0K 的 Kelvin scale。


望 郭老師 和 天同知識長 可以講解一下~

2014-01-07 23:34:42 補充:
Question 2

The heating coil makes 2 kg of water increase 40-15 = 25°C in a minute.
That means, in one minute, it releases 2*4200*25 = 210000 J of energy.

The Power is Energy/Time = 210000/60 = 3500 W = 3.5 kW

The answer is B.

2014-01-08 15:41:26 補充:
Question 3

Let C be the specific heat capacity (SHC) of copper.
Let x and y be the temperature rise of X and that of Y.
The amount of energy is the same.

Energy = SHC * mass * temperature change

C * 3 * x = C * 5 * y

x : y = 5 : 3
2014-01-08 7:41 am
1. This is just a simple proportion.
True temperature for reading on thermometer to be 40'C = [(40-10)/(90-10)} x 100'C
= 37.5'C

2. Mass of water heated in 1 minute = 2 kg
Hence, mass of water heated up in 1 s = 2/60 kg
Heat gained by water = (2/60) x 4200 x (40 -15) J = 3500 J
Thus, power of heater = 3500 w = 3.5 kw
2014-01-08 6:37 am
When the thermometer is placed in steam. It should read 100 but now it is 90.

When the reading is x, the true value should be (x-10)(100/80)

True reading for 40⁰C should be (40)(100/80) = 37.5⁰C

Ans : C

2014-01-07 22:47:34 補充:
批卷貓 的做法很好,如有疑問,把 ? 換為 x 去想好了。

以下提供一個檢查的方法,當温度讀數為 50 度時,剛好為中點,90-50=40。50-10=40。

批卷貓 的方法 : (?-0)/(100-0) = (50-10)/90-10) = 40/80

? = (40/80)(100) = 50

(x-10)(100/80) = (50-10)(100/80) = 50

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