
2014-01-08 5:28 am
2.Adverbs of degree(幾時用extremely,really,very,quite.rather,fairly?會唔會話叫到某個字眼就知用邊個Adverbs of degree?)
3.Past Simple Tense and Past Continuous Tense(會唔會話叫到某個字眼就知用邊個tense?)

回答 (4)

2014-01-08 2:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No 是限定詞, 副詞, 名詞
No = 不,拒絕,否, 沒有, 絕非

None 是代名詞, 副詞
None = 沒有人,無一物,其中並無一個, 一點也不, 毫不

No 和 none 最大的分別 none 經常與 of 使用在一起,
None of = 中一個也沒有. (不可能用 no of)
None of my friends came.
I got none left. (None 是代名詞)

No 經常地做限定詞 (determiner), 放在名詞前面.
I have no food. (不可能 none food)
No smoking.

No 常作副詞, No 是 Yes 反義字
Are you Japanese? No. I am Chinese.
Ninety percent of the population voted no.

Adverbs of degree 是程度的問題
extremely, really, very ~, 非常 (上)
fairly, rather ~相當 (中)
hardly, rarely ~ 幾乎不, 少有 (下)
相似在一衡量標準, 一邊 100%, 另外一邊 0%,自己給衡量, 不是表示份量 (quantify), 個人主觀成分高,

past simple 用在過去發生事情
沒有某個字眼就知用邊個 tense,
可留意yesterday, last week (month, year, term), ten days ago, (weeks, months, years), in 2013 等字眼

He graduated from high school in 2010.
We attended his wedding last Saturday.

past continuous tense 注重持續時間, 過去某一個過去時間正在進行的動作
He was working at the computer when the power cut occurred.

all day yesterday, the whole evening, from five till eight, 經常與時間狀語連用
I was reading the whole evening yesterday.

英文是長時間積聚. 沒有捷徑, 多看英文書, 英文報紙, 不怕講錯, learn from mistakes, 好運的遇見良師, 可遇不可求,
最後對英文培養興趣, 有興趣便會好, 好字典不可缺少.
a. 留意 tense
b. subject 與 verb agreement
c. noun 是 countable, uncountable, singular or plural
d. 正確的 meaning, 特別是 adjective, usage 問題, 正確的搭配 (collocation)
e. 句子不太長, 作文要有 Introduction 和 conclusion.不要無寫相幹的句子
f. 留意 spelling

2014-01-08 08:10:29 補充:
叫人學習勤奮, 英語多看, 多寫, 多講, 是 empty talk (空谈) ~ 言之無物
給實例, 推薦中文版英語字典與英語文法書籍

1. 朗文當代高级詞典 (英英.英漢雙解)
2. 英語在用 劍橋中级英語語法(中文版)- 作者 Raymond Murphy
3. 報紙 South China Morning Post

2014-01-08 08:19:28 補充:

2014-01-14 06:30:18 補充:
我回答了你問題 (06:41:16), 你才作補充 (14:12:06)

1 cheese someone off = make someone bored, annoyed or frustrated

2 in one's salad days = in the time of one's life when one is young and inexperienced

3 in the soup = in trouble

2014-01-14 06:36:30 補充:

1. His attitude to the whole thing really cheeses me off!

2. He met her in his salad days and fell in love easily.

3. If the teachers find out what you did, you will be in the soup!
參考: Yahoo Dictionary
2014-01-08 11:05 am
TOMING88, you did not 要用<簡單易明中文解釋英文Grammar問題.
Don't abuse the question and mislead the readers.
2014-01-08 6:37 am
1. No=不、沒有,作形容詞使用
None=沒有,作名詞使用(eg none of the students=學生們裏沒有一個...)

2. Extremely, really和very都是“非常”的意思,quite,rather和fairly是”頗爲“的意思,唔會話見到某個字眼就知用邊個Adverb,隨機選用

3. 其實沒有特定字眼,要看整句的意思。past simple注重於已完成的意思,continuous注重過程和需時多久(duration)

4. 上網看英文網站,看書看英文書,看電視看英文台,總之周圍都是英文,好難會英文唔好,甚至考試都晤使溫
2014-01-08 6:31 am
(1)No---adj--not any,; adv--express negative
None ---pronoun, no one ; adv= in no way
(2)Adverb of degree when it is used by giving an example:-
eg:-extremely- To learn adverb of degree is extremely difficult.
really--It is really difficult to face reality.
very--It is very unusual to study grammar.
quite--Yes, you have quite finished your life if you study grammar.
rather--I'd rather have a talk than a writing.
fairly--A fairly good football referee can be found in China.
(3)Simple Past Tense;--=past--->simple;
Implies the verb have a Past Tense form---eg:-trust--->trusted; speak--->spoke
Past Continuous Tense
two actions were going on at same time in Past
eg:-One was working---the other was keeping.
There is no hard and fast rule for you to learn writing and grammar.Just get a grammar book and try learn it..So, for example, the tenses of the verb, the use of prepositions and "phrasal verbs", the articles, and word order are Okay.
Keep up with your good work !

2014-01-08 15:00:54 補充:
(1)=give 3 cheers for somebody.
(2)=when you are young &do not have much experience of life.eg:dancing.
(3)=get somebody into trouble,eg:-caught by police&no payment.

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